Sacred Discoveries

Sacred Discoveries' Articles

Explore my posts and articles on various spiritual topics. Comments are encouraged!

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Our Divine Reflection ~ Messages From My Clients

Pure Magic ✨ The relationships I have with my clients mean the world to me. As we collaborate, we reflect back our Divinity to each other. With every exploration and […]

The Wendy Way as a Spiritual Counselor, Teacher & Energy Healer

We are often asked throughout our lives, “What do you do?” For me the answer is deep, so I choose to say, “I am a Spiritual Counselor/Teacher and Energy Healer” […]

Miraculous Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael called to me and inspired the following message: I Am the fire in your belly. I Am the passion in your breath and voice. I inspire you to […]

Love, love, love…

Love raises the consciousness levels of every single soul. Love gives access to the Highest Wisdom at Universal and Omni-versal levels. The Spiritual Heart has the will and purpose of […]

The New You Emerging!

Our planet is rising in vibration faster than ever, creating great healing boosts! It’s as if old frozen, stuck, patterns are melting away! Opportunities arise, stirring new thoughts, ideas and […]

The Dark Void, Solar Eclipse

Before, during and around April’s Solar Eclipse of 2024, you may experience conscious thoughts and emotions from your yesterdays, flashbacks, events, or interactions that trigger vulnerabilities, dramas and patterns that […]

In What Way Do You Express Your Spiritual Fire?

How do you take action with the Spiritual Fire within you? Close your eyes. Breathe deeply. Awaken more light within you. Let it expand from your heart like a flame […]

The Divine Mind – Messages from the Sacred Masters

In these times of global turmoil, stirring up fears in the collective consciousness of our planet, I feel a pull to be immersed in Aquarian Luminous Energy with the back […]

The True You

There is only one unique and beautiful you. The world and others thrive in your essence. You are an integral part of the Divine Oneness. With awareness, illuminate your omnipresence! […]

New Year 2024 Co-creating Your Reality

In the New Year 2024 co-create your reality with the Divine. That means manifesting and unmanifesting things at will. 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8. The eighth […]

Ascension Impressions

Ascension is aligning with the new, Higher Light Energies of our planet and universe. Discover new perspectives and revelations by remembering pre-agreements. Intentionally hold energetic space for the Higher Vibrations […]

Invoking the Extraordinary

Hello Spiritual Seekers! It seems that many of you are sensing energies of the collective consciousness of our planet that are disheartening, heavy, and confusing as the old world battles […]

Soul Healing with Awareness & Ease

The Workings of the Soul  Healing & Manifesting  “Protecting”   The soul holds your reason for being here on planet Earth as the one and only YOU. Your soul encourages […]

Love + Gratitude + Joy = Abundance

Whether you are observing trouble or peace: Remember the Magic and Amazingness of You! For many, this powerful planetary retrograde time, as well as the astrological aspects, create seemingly random […]

Is Life Unusually Random These Days?

Do you look outside and see the Randomizer (a function of our beloved Universe) has put something new on the screen, and lately feel like everyday it’s just another thing? […]

The Power of Presence

Agree to live in harmony and peace.  Then create your meditation by first allowing your navel chakra to be the Sun ☀️. The Sun is an ascended star holding the […]

Express Your Woo Woo!

Expressing your mystical thoughts and dreams nurtures wholeness. Let yourself go to your mind’s spiritual dreams. Be awakened by the subtle intuitive insights that float in and out of consciousness. […]

Your Heart’s Truth

Listening to your heart’s truth allows you to make blessed, fulfilling choices in your life for your work, your family, your free-time, and all that is attracted to you. You […]

Intuitive Action

Clients, students, friends and family regularly ask me, “How do I listen and follow my intuition?” I believe there are a million and one answers to that question. To break […]

The Divine Secrets of Your Sacred Heart

Remember and rediscover a deeper capacity for love. The natural state of being human creates intimate and direct experiences of loving your partner, your children, your family and friends. I […]

You Are a Star!

Connect to the Higher Realms. Access is easy now. Go within to find the magic of the Light of Inner Awareness. Aspire to see the light, to live in the […]

2023 We Are All Sacred Lights

Happy New Year 2023! I can already feel the magic of this New Year urging spiritual trust in the 5th dimensional flow and beyond right here and now in our […]

The Sacred Sounds of Silence

I’d like to share some beautiful messages of Rev. Fr. Charles Ogada from the book The I Am Principle: The Christ Within. He reminds us all to remember the Power […]

Ascension Transformation

Transformation is a fundamental change into something new. Transformation is almost always large, significant and irreversible and/or permanent. A butterfly has fundamentally transformed from a caterpillar/pupa. It cannot go back.  […]

My Higher Dimensional Relationships

The Spirit Family for whom I make a home in my heart has sustained me since I can remember. My ethereal friends kept me company, offered great creative ideas, and […]

Innate Wisdom Activation

With positive intention, brighten your whole body with special focus on your own Life Force Energy. Draw together all the disparate or contrasting parts of yourself for unification. Direct your […]

Activate the Light Within You!

  The Light of the Sun is within you. You have a special talent. All that is outside of you is within you. All human experience is generated from within. […]

Mother Mary, The Mother of All Mothers

Mother Mary will awaken your heart with sweet compassion, empathy, kindness, healing, and love for yourself and others. She IS beauty in all. With Her you are never alone, lost, […]

Choosing Forgiveness

Recently, my experiences have percolated old memories with flash backs and old, repressed feelings I hoped had disappeared long ago.  I attribute this deep immersive review to Mercury retrograde helping […]

Is God Your Close Friend?

How do you see and feel God/Goddess? Is He/She one or more of the following: your Protector, Grantor of Wishes and Prayers, Divine Mother, Divine Father, the Archetype of Faith, […]

Lady Venus

Lady Venus’ love and beauty reflects your own. She is fertile with soulful creativity. She brings out your own inner harmony and the sweetness of life. Her love is abundant. […]

The Wisdom of Discipline at the SEMPES Levels (revised)

Spiritual– I maintain focus on the fact that I am protected by the Light of the Divine. I Am Divine.  I Am Love. This awareness brings wonderful, loving experiences into my […]

Be Inspired by Your Zodiac and Moon Sign Elements!

Open yourself to your own Divine Light of Inspiration. Want it! Activate it! Live it! Be it! You are a beautiful mixture of all the elements. Still, you may find […]

Switch on the Divine Light

The generous, abundant Divine Light is always available. This last year has challenged everyone I know each in their own way. Stories have been shared of how it’s been hard […]

Awakening Enlightenment

I enjoyed reading the thoughts and lessons of Kiara Windruder in a book called “Deeksha: The Fire from Heaven”. I related to the deep, meaningful growth and experiences she described.Below […]

New Year 2022 – The Activated Spiritual Heart

What an interesting year ahead! Feels like broadening, developing and heightening experiences coming this way along with activated intuition and heart compassion. When adding the digits of 2022 (2+0+2+2 = […]

Be Still, Breathe Easy, Rest and Heal

After moon cycles of shifts and releases, some being pleasant relief and some just horrible, you owe it to yourself to utilize the magic of the Celtic Elder New Moon […]

Be Grounded with Certainty

Be grounded with certainty in the Magical Light of the Earth! If you acknowledge Mother Earth in every life process, incredible manifestations are seen, felt, and enjoyed. This acknowledgment activates […]

Time to Shine!

It’s that time of the year when the summer sun assists you in emanating joy and your unique self expression. Pull up your confidence! Embrace your talents and Be the […]

Utilizing & Appreciating the Powerful Eclipse Stillpoint

An eclipse along with other cosmic alignments provides a great opportunity. Rather than falling into negative or nervous energy and lingering there, stay awake. Work the process and bathe in […]

Are You Ready Now?

Sowing Seeds of Potential & Abundant Love… No doubt we are experiencing challenging times with changing circumstances – globally, nationally and on a personal level. Everyone has had enough, for […]

Meet Persistence! The Butterfly Who Allowed Me to Keep Her Alive

For more than 20 years, I knew I have had a strong connection to butterflies. I symbolically place them around the house to decorate. Clients and friends tell me I […]

Hello 2021 – A New Year of Evolution

It’s easy to see what’s playing out into the New Year. December’s powerful Winter Solstice conjunction and other alignments are continuing the process of synthesizing and reordering.Adding up the 2+0+2+1 […]

Keeping the Faith

Take stock of what you have manifested this year. Powerful change has been invoked. What resources do you have now?Spiritually, you have Higher Awareness, Higher insights available to use however […]

Fifth Dimensional Energies Another Time for a Lift

Hi everyone. I am continuing to provide healing sessions via phone as usual. While we are practicing safety from the coronavirus, I have stopped all in office sessions for the […]

Entering 2020

No doubt, the end of 2019 and entering into 2020 was a wild ride of conflicts and crises, thinking and rethinking, letting go of old stories and welcoming the new…. […]

New Decade, 2020 -The Emperor

I really enjoyed the slow manifesting progression of 2019’s Empress vibration. I felt I could leave it all up to Her to guide me gently as I opened up to […]

Embrace Your True Self!

You are awakening to the embrace of your true self! This is important to manifest your long awaited desires. Tune into the sensation of being quickened. Your Higher Self is […]

You Are a Gift to the Earth

As a gift to the earth, you were born emanating the bright blessings of the spirit world you originated from and everyone celebrated. You had a simple purpose at that […]

Making Choices From the Fullness of Your Heart

Have you been weary and unsure from the slow unfolding of your dream? Has your faith been challenged in your process? Also, have you been experiencing what seem like endings […]

What Is Worth Having Faith In?

I asked this question to my guides. This is how they answered: The focus is Joy. Faith is knowing that there will be another joy-filled tomorrow. Some have never known […]

You Are Clairvoyant – Pay Attention to What Your Heart and Soul Want

Know what your heart and soul want, keep your senses open to awaken your intuition into its many forms. Ask your Higher Self to gently alert you to recognize the […]

2019 Dynamic Change Notes!

When Great Divine Universal Love wants to give you all that your heart wants, can you and will you step up to receive it or will you hang onto old, […]

2019 Time to Manifest!

 The World is Sacred!  2019 The Year of Manifestation! Take notice of the sacred, physical world around you and all that encompasses your earthly life, your body, your family, your […]

You have to love Reed Moon

Ahhh, the power and the potential. Allow the agitating energy of Reed Moon to awaken your senses and reveal your true soul pathway.  We are not meant to be in […]

The Cherishing Heart

Through my experience, everyone wants to be cherished. This is usually based on his or her own understanding of what it is to be loved and cared for. A limited […]

2018 Happy New Year!

The New Year ahead brings in the vibration of balance, equality, and reaping what you have sown. I pray for karmic readiness that you may enjoy the benefits of all […]

Sacred Silence Healing

Sitting in silence is not just being peaceful, blank and still to let go of dramas and discomforts of every day life. It’s more than that.The heart widens and spirit […]

August 2017 Big Eclipse

For weeks, you have been working with many energies to help you confront areas of your life where a false sense of Self has emerged. It has not been easy […]

Some Words About Gratitude

From a few of My Favorite Peeps In My Life… “When I wake in the morning I say and feel thanks while coming out of meditation. When I go to […]

How To Truly Nurture Yourself and Others – Oak Moon

Do you secretly wish with great intent to love your whole life, your lessons, your family, friends, acquaintances and even those you don’t know around the world past, present and […]

The Year 2017 – Spin the Wheel of Fortune!

December gave many opportunities for final awareness and wrap up of old lessons we’ve been working on for nine years (9 – the sacred number of completion). As this new […]

Relationships are the Elixir of Life!

Relationships teach us so much about ourselves daily that we are exhausted at times. Bringing ourselves back to THE PRESENT is our ticket to peace. This moon month it is […]

Understanding and Retrieving Messages From The Spirit World

Here are some questions I have been asked through the years: Do you need to put yourself in a certain mindset in order to channel? In the beginning I needed […]

Saint Mother Teresa Enveloped and Demonstrated the Sacred Energy of Mother Mary

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” “If you can’t feed […]

ATTENTION LIGHTWORKERS Who Forget to Nurture Themselves!

Including the TEACHERS, HEALERS, HELPERS, and CARETAKERS So many of us are blessed with natural and soulful care and concern for others. We spend our days shaping our lives around […]

Balance on the Path of Devotional Love

A fabulous choice: love of self and love of others… in balance! Most of us are out of whack when it comes to keeping the balance between love of self […]

Emotional Suffering – A Crying Shame

Suffering is an option. Pain may be present at times, but it can be transmuted into Light by asking your Divine Self, your Higher Divine Guardians, the Ascended Masters to […]

Follow Your Joy to Your Spiritual Heart

Your Spirit Heart resides deeply within your core essence. It knows the abundance of the Universe. You can find this essence as you remember the feelings of radiant connection you […]

New Year 2016 – The Hermit

2016 vibrates with a “9” energy, the power of completion and the path of the Hermit. Does that mean you have to wear a hooded cloak and hide from everyone […]

Live Your Life With Ease And Grace

My Favorite Expression! I asked my Higher Self to get in contact with the Wise Ones to help me elaborate: “As you follow your soul’s guidance, if you allow this […]

Christmas Has Celtic/Pagan Roots

Winter Solstice/ Yule, December 21, is when the dark half of the year relinquishes to the light half. It is the time of the greatest darkness and is the shortest […]

A Couple of Hours with Wendy and Emmy on a Hiking Trail

There I sat under my favorite oak tree at Mission Trails on a beautiful, warm, and lightly windy fall morning – my initial goal was to get out of the […]

Loving Self – A Gift of Immense Proportion

One day in a conversation with a kind, elderly man I was compelled to relay how important it is to love himself. He asked me, “Why do I need to […]


I asked for an ascension message, The Elohim and Mother Mary expressed this to me in a vibrant meditation: “Dear Ones, you struggle to acknowledge the Divine Inspiration already within […]

Choice Points

In each present moment you are given choice points, small nano seconds to act out on your heart’s truest, deepest insights. How will you use these blasts of knowing? In […]

Letting Go of Resistance, Crossing the Three Bridges, Soaring with Dragons

The movies, How to Train Your Dragon I and II, are set in the mythical world of burly Vikings and wild dragons. Hiccup, a Viking teenager, doesn’t exactly fit in […]

Who Is Archangel Metatron?

From the void is the potential of pure light. This radiant light being is the right hand of God. He/She will heal all who ask and more effectively those that […]

Respond With Love

        I have a beautiful friend who has inspired me to write this article. I have known her for 23 years. Throughout the time that we have […]

The Spiritual Heart

Your Spirit Heart resides deeply within your core essence.  It knows the abundance of the Universe.  You can find this essence as you remember the feelings of radiant connection you […]

Live Your Life With Ease and Grace. My Favorite Expression!

I asked my Higher Self to get in contact with the Wise Ones to help me elaborate: “As you follow your soul’s guidance, if you allow this blessed reality to […]

Reiki Remembered

Life Force Energy Power Higher Consciousness Unconditional Love Joy Ecstasy Abundance Awareness Transcending Time and Space Bliss Happiness Connection Oneness Multidimensional Ascension Wendy Chaffin September 2015

A Couple of Hours with Wendy and Nature on a Hiking Trail

     There I sat under my favorite oak tree at Mission Trails on a beautiful, warm, and lightly windy fall morning – my initial goal was to get out […]

The Mastery Of Divine Relationship

When we give up our cravings for more, better, and different, we open ourselves to the creative currents of change in relationship – the Mystery.  In time the experience of […]

How to Embrace Change

~Embrace change and you’ll recognize abundance. Try it and pay attention. ~Live in the present moment.  Everything that has been, is and will be, exists at the same time. ~Rather […]

Loving Self – A Gift of Immense Proportion

     One day in a conversation with a kind, elderly man I was compelled to relay how important it is to love himself.  He asked me, “Why do I […]

Who Is Archangel Metatron?

From the void is the potential of pure light.  This radiant light being is the right hand of God. He will heal all who ask and more effectively those that […]


“Compassion comes from deep inside you and radiates all around you. When you tap this fountain you drink abundantly. Free flowing and ever present, this force guides your life. Allow […]