Through my experience, everyone wants to be cherished. This is usually based on his or her own understanding of what it is to be loved and cared for. A limited understanding will create limited experiences of love. How can anyone truly love with limitations? Everyone loves differently and matches up well with others who share a similar understanding.
But, love knows no boundaries…
So what if you want to experience more love that goes beyond your comprehension or previous experience in this lifetime?
This is the answer I received in a short channeling with a high-vibrational, Celestial Energy Being who comes to me in the image of a beautiful multicolored Feathered Lady and guides me along in service:
In the boundaries of the mind and heart are memories and experiences of cherished or not cherished. The cherished heart knows how to cherish others. The cherished heart demonstrates compassion and care with radiant freedom and no hesitation.
Divine Love is an endless ocean of kindness and boundless fortune ever flowing and moves with the changing tides. To be cherished with sacred intent awakens Divine Love, one soul embracing another.
Do not despair if your heart does not know this level of tenderness. With honest intent the loving Source of Divine Love will gift it to you.
Ask and you will receive…
Wendy Chaffin