Sacred Discoveries


Find Peace with Sacred Silence

The Elder is under the protection of the Old Crone aspect of the Triple Goddess (maiden, mother, crone), who guards the door to the underworld, to death, and to the dark inner mysteries.

Shhhhhhhhh…….. go within to discover the mysteries in the depth of your Silence.  Can you hold still and shutdown the outer world around you for a few hours, a day, a few days?   Tell us how you did with your Silence, successes and pitfalls.


Ivy Moon is here again! Are your relationships in balance?

This is the time to honor your relationships.  Are you being supportive and interdependent or are you too wrapped up and codependent?  It’s taken me my whole life to see how codependence can slip into everyday life with others like a virus. The Ivy is not a parasite.  It does not feed directly off its host but uses it only as a means of support.

Talk to me about the state of your relationship.

And/or I would also love to hear about your relationship with Source.

Also go to Wendy’s Blog and scroll down and take a look at the notes on Ivy Moon last year for more insights…


Time for Gratitude! New Moon in Vine (Grapevine/Blackberry)

This is a wonderful moon vibration to be conscious of all that we have created in our lives.  Our work for the year has come to fruition.

Enjoy your earthly riches of your life:  the people, your environment, your awakened knowing.  You have grown and  matured and are ready for your next conscious creation!  What will you create?

Grapevine Moon relates to the astrological sign of Virgo and Libra. She is beauty, and earthly graciousness. Completion and ripeness exists! Pluck it off and savor the flavor! I look forward to Grapevine’s return each year. Celebrate what your have learned, created, and  opened up to. See in gratitude who has shown up for you and how you have shown up for yourself this year! Look around you and see what you manifested with Earth Mother’s help.

Picked these in my yard today!

Hazel Moon is back!

This is the moon month to follow your inner truth.  You have the answers.  Let your own Higher Self be the guide.

I have already been challenged by a family member to engage me into something that I feel is simply not for me.  The invitation was sweet and appealing, but I felt obviously alerted by my own inner faith that I will be going against my sense of self.  I felt very pleased with myself to have created a positive boundary that allowed us both to be in our inner truth.  If I’m not really into it, then he won’t really either.  Does this sound familiar?  I would love to hear from you!

I am also interested in hearing how you maintain your Faith in Spirit.


Click the back key then scroll down and see the previous post on Hazel Moon for more information.



Holly Moon is a Holy Moon

Holly tree belonged to the underground Goddess Holle and its red berries were seen as drops of her life-giving blood, in which lay the secret of the tree’s immortality or year-round greenness.

Holly branches, leaves and berries were used during the holy season.  Holly brings holiness to one’s consciousness.  Relate to the Great Creator/Creatress of All Life with reverence, respect, love and honor.

Holly brings out the maturing warrioress who stands for what is right and good.  It is a tree of protection and strength.

This moon is energetic.  She teaches of healthy egos, self confidence, recognition, and the power of truth, commitment and approachability.

Communicate with me how you are maintaining a healthy ego and if you are challenged, I’m sure others could benefit in knowing they are not the only ones!


Harmony in Relationships

It is yours for the taking! Harmony comes first from within, of course. Your light within and around you IS Love and Harmony. This you must be confident about!

After all, how can you be in harmony with another when you’re in conflict with yourself? Make an inventory of your attachments – old attitudes, old habits, sometimes even old friends – energies that may best be left behind. Time to shed all illusions about our partners as well! Unrealistic expectations about your partner can stress you out! Unconditional love feels good and promotes patience which allows for positive change and growth.

Create an intimate relationship with your partner with both of you acknowledging that your union is a spiritual journey and a sacred one. Together you are peacemakers learning to overlook what is not seemingly perfect, surrendering and resetting to a new positive intention repeatedly. How are you both in service to spirit and how is your partnership a direct example of your own personal partnership with Divine Source, God/Goddess?

Wendy Chaffin



Create Respectfully With the Faeries

 Faeries are a universal phenomenon. Encounters are well documented. Faeries love nature, music, hunting, dancing, horses, and teasing and spying on humans whose follies and foibles never cease to puzzle and intrigue them. They live in the astral world, beautiful and fluid and have long lives but they lack the joys of human existence such as romantic relationships, creative endeavors, a full spiritual dimension, sexuality and children. They will aid us in magik and ritual to feel connected with our part of existence. They will help and assist with anything you are growing or creating. It is favorable to make an offering of some kind. They love beauty and luxury and are attracted to shiny objects and animals and humans showing respect for the earth realm.

* Faery and Magick are spelled in the traditional pagan way.

Wendy Chaffin  2012


Go Through the Doorway of Your True Will with Oak Moon

New Moon in Oak Sat., June 8th, 2013.  This is the most sacred of the trees to the Druid/Druidess and known as the Magician’s tree.  It teaches sacred balance and reveals true wisdom.  It is the door to Higher Knowledge.  It represents abundance and strength as well.

Let Oak Moon Mother guide you within to find sacred leadership and realize your true potential in the world.



Trust That You Matter & Create With Matter

Condemning materiality is one the dangers of the spiritual path because some people think they can hurry the awakening process by denying the things of this world.  They try to escape from it by pretending that everything out there is only an illusion and not real.  These airy fairy types create negative non conformity.  They may not be in service to the needs of the world or to their own physical needs.  The material world is the manifestation of spirit.  What better place is there to live our spiritual lives of lessons and service than in beautiful abundant Eden we have here?

There is a great song by Tracy Chapman on her New Beginnings Album calledHeaven’s Here on Earth. It is one of my favorite songs said so beautifully.  I relate to every word of the lyrics and pray each day to live by it.  I recommend listening to and watching the video at the end of the lyrics. It’s very pretty.

Wendy Chaffin