Sacred Discoveries

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NOW Is Dreamtime

Are you dreaming ideas into reality or letting reality dream you?
Which is real, the dream, or the life you sense each day?
Third dimension and fourth dimension mix and play with your perceptions. All the while, you are a being of multiple dimensions of unconscious consciousness.
Floating in and out of the stories told to you by your own seen and unseen forces. Dodging in and out of the physical world’s mirror reality.
Reaching for outside assistance in the here and now… ascended vibrations seemingly beyond touch.
Yet, close is the Divine in everyone.
We care what is in the world around us, drawn into the stories, dramas and action reflecting the past, present and future.
The Oneness, vibrates in the powerful, omnipotent, present moment. The presence holds the mystery of the One.
All that can be dreamt of within the One is You.
Wendy Chaffin
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The Pisces Flow Teaches the Divine Flow

Living in the Pisces flow is like living in an aquarium. You are contained in a watery environment where your conscious and subconscious minds can blend nicely in a free-flowing meditative state of awareness. Everything around you reflects what is going on within you. Whatever or whomever is there in your environment becomes a light of inspiration and union with you. You may sit in hours of peace and contemplation without realizing where the time has gone. All is sacred around you. Following rituals to maintain your connection to spirit sustains you. Spirit is the companion in this water world. Spirit gives clear answers and wonderful, dreamy romantic ideas. If you lose your focus and become emotional, it is most likely because you are blaming or playing the victim. In that moment it is critical that you see your own part in this drama and immediately switch right back to the blissful connection you have with your sweet and wise spirit.
Wendy Chaffin
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New Decade, 2020 -The Emperor

I really enjoyed the slow manifesting progression of 2019’s Empress vibration. I felt I could leave it all up to Her to guide me gently as I opened up to the new balance I had been hoping for in 2018. That year was tough for many and showed us what we we’re ready for. We accomplished a new sense of self in 2019 and now we are ready for 2020. Here are some of the insights I have for 2020:

This 2020 adds to a 4, the Emperor. It is now His turn to inspire us into action. The Empress nurtured us into readiness by containing and setting us up for fulfillment that will now require our personal action to blossom in 2020.

We always start the year with manifestation goals and anticipation of greatness. Remember the new year is a time to conceptualize, not run out in an impatient rush, or drive yourself crazy feeling lazy and unproductive. Taking time to process without anxiety may be a challenge in this new Emperor year. When Springtime arrives, we will be more prepared for action. Be gentle with yourself and others.

With the double energy of the High Priestess (two 2’s in 2020), we will open up throughout the year to more Higher Conscious insights regarding what our truth is and what to do with it!

Saturn will leap into Aquarius after a long run with Capricorn. This served our purpose as we needed the discipline to find our new sense of self. Saturn’s hard work mixed with Aquarius’ need for Higher Conscious expansion in the Spring can be pretty cool on both a personal level and for our collective consciousness. Why not work hard at being more open-minded? As an Aquarius sun and moon, I say, “Yay!”

Wendy Chaffin
Newsletter for January 2020

Entering the
New Year
No doubt, the end of 2019 and entering into 2020 was a wild ride of conflicts and crises, thinking and rethinking, letting go of old stories and welcoming the new…. It was described as a rare, astrological, peak point in time to wrap up 35 years of past lessons and accomplishments helping us to see our readiness for a new start. It was also described as a tornado, a power hit, a time of chaos. Whatever it was, embrace the magic of renewal. It will continue its magic for up to 6 months. Might as well love it.

It was certainly not what we are used to experiencing at the New Year when we typically celebrate and party. There was a serious, even stern tone at times. Hopefully, you found time to rest, dream and set positive intentions for the New Year and the New Decade. If you haven’t done this yet, now is a great time to do so! It’s not too late.

Wendy Chaffin
Newsletter for January/February 2020
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Embrace Your True Self!

You are awakening to the embrace of your true self! This is important to manifest your long awaited desires. Tune into the sensation of being quickened. Your Higher Self is aligning with your developed personal self which has been on the long journey of self discovery. They come together in the new station of Higher Frequencies that now envelop you. The new version of Self is easily awakened finally and welcomed by you!
You won’t have to force it out.
You will just Be.
You won’t need coercing.
You will just Be.
You won’t have to intellectualize.
You will just Be.
You won’t long for something.
You will just Be.
You will Be in your abundant, generous, ever-flowing Love.
Wendy Chaffin
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You Are a Gift to the Earth

As a gift to the earth, you were born emanating the bright blessings of the spirit world you originated from and everyone celebrated. You had a simple purpose at that time: to love and be loved. As time went on, they had to deal with their own dramas of life and you had to adjust. So you dulled down to deal with it. You shrunk your light and fit in by surviving and sacrificing.
What if you were offered a chance to shine as if you are reborn from the light of the spirit world again? Would you take it? Of course you will say, Yes! But that will require you to address the places in you that have not been loved and nurtured. You may feel uncomfortable and vulnerable. It takes patience and courage to nurture yourself so you can mature beyond your old hurts.
Become reacquainted with your spirit roots. Gather all the love you have for yourself. Be willing to grow. Instead of being lessened, you are increased. Instead of overlooking your needs, you attend to them.
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Making Choices From the Fullness of Your Heart

Have you been weary and unsure from the slow unfolding of your dream? Has your faith been challenged in your process? Also, have you been experiencing what seem like endings (even deaths) of the old ways? I offer you another point of view. Assert and maintain this time as your rebirth.
Imagine fluffing up your heart like it is made of soft down feathers that radiate fresh, new, vibrant childlike innocence. Purposefully activate a decision to awaken your heart light.
Choose to be bright, and in your wholeness. This will activate wholeness in those you are in connection with and personal with no matter whether they are close or apart from you.
Choose positive and loving Union with yourself, your goals and your dreams.
Now is the time to decide that you are still ‘all in’ ready for the fullness of experience just as the summer trees and plants are at this time of year!
This is not the time to be hung up on expectations. Choose from what is appearing before you. Your heart will know which path to take in each unfolding decision.
These are the offerings and blessings of Mother Earth. She offers you a plethora of gifts and trusts the ability of your heart to guide you from here.
“Divine Earth Mother, please help me appreciate and identify all your gift choices in front of me. Help me feel the joy of sifting through my heart’s choices. Lead me to happiness, love and contentment and my best and highest good.”
Wendy Chaffin
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What Is Worth Having Faith In?

I asked this question to my guides.
This is how they answered:
The focus is Joy.
Faith is knowing that there will be another joy-filled tomorrow. Some have never known true joy and therefore do not have faith.
Release the temptation to decide your fate or your joy and let yourself be guided to it. True joy comes from allowing life to happen all around you. Engage in the fascination of all that IS.
All your yesterdays lead to tomorrow. Today is the flower that blossoms in the light of understanding and knowledge gained.
Be in Joy. Enjoy the glory of the earth’s bounty
Wendy Chaffin
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You Are Clairvoyant – Pay Attention to What Your Heart and Soul Want

Know what your heart and soul want, keep your senses open to awaken your intuition into its many forms. Ask your Higher Self to gently alert you to recognize the messages coming to you in your Sacred Awareness.

By maintaining Sacred Awareness, life just flows and works easier. The Sacred is beautiful lessons and beautiful people. Circumstances and events have a balanced rhythm. Energy is higher and more joyful.


Clairvoyance – seeing colors, pictures, geometric shapes, objects, light blips, words, and movies played in your mind’s eye…

Clairsentience – feeling wafts of energy, warmth, cold, spiky, spongy, etc… a need to touch someone in a place where there is pain, etc…noticing energy in a room or a pull to go somewhere…

Clairaudience – hearing sounds, tones, vibrations, music, lyrics, words in your own voice or another’s…

Claircognizance – You just know! And you don’t always know why…

Clairscent – Noticing smells…

As you stay attentive to what you sense with eyes open and closed, you will develop your own encyclopedia of interpretations that your Higher Self can use to contact you. Notice physical events, people, and conversations. Even the most boring or annoying people have a message they are channeling right to you, as if they are your Angels. Pay attention! They are! It’s fun and fascinating to be aware of the sacred all around you! Be the light. Notice the light everywhere. Your life will be Light-filled!

Have the courage to trust that what comes to you will benefit your life appropriately.

Meet with yourself in the deepest recesses of the unconscious to discover great love and creative powers. Sit in stillness to assist the interpretation of what becomes conscious. Listen to your dream’s metaphors, symbolic images and meanings from your Higher Self perspective. Your dreams unfold in your sleep and when you are awake.

Wendy Chaffin


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The Cherishing Heart

Through my experience, everyone wants to be cherished. This is usually based on his or her own understanding of what it is to be loved and cared for. A limited understanding will create limited experiences of love. How can anyone truly love with limitations? Everyone loves differently and matches up well with others who share a similar understanding.

But, love knows no boundaries…

So what if you want to experience more love that goes beyond your comprehension or previous experience in this lifetime?

This is the answer I received in a short channeling with a high-vibrational, Celestial Energy Being who comes to me in the image of a beautiful multicolored Feathered Lady and guides me along in service:

In the boundaries of the mind and heart are memories and experiences of cherished or not cherished. The cherished heart knows how to cherish others. The cherished heart demonstrates compassion and care with radiant freedom and no hesitation.

Divine Love is an endless ocean of kindness and boundless fortune ever flowing and moves with the changing tides. To be cherished with sacred intent awakens Divine Love, one soul embracing another.

Do not despair if your heart does not know this level of tenderness. With honest intent the loving Source of Divine Love will gift it to you.
Ask and you will receive…

Wendy Chaffin

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Sacred Silence Healing

Sitting in silence is not just being peaceful, blank and still to let go of dramas and discomforts of every day life. It’s more than that.The heart widens and spirit rushes in to remind you of who you truly are and how you are connected to all there is around you, nearby and in all of existence. Yet, this grand adventure will slow you down, contain and brighten you in tranquility and calm. Setting the stage for this experience is necessary. First, you must have the opportunity to release self imposed blocks through agitation. Allow what needs to release whether in words, actions, contemplation, tears, anger, etc…. Seasons and cycles, death and rebirth fade into Oneness in Stillness in your true nature.

Wendy Chaffin