Sacred Discoveries

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Some Words About Gratitude

From a few of
My Favorite Peeps In My Life…

“When I wake in the morning I say and feel thanks while coming out of meditation. When I go to sleep, the last thing I say is, “Thank you for the day.” It’s something I cultivate daily, the same as I would cultivate my garden with an expectation of having fruit come from that cultivation.”

Ron Skorich
Production Supervisor


“My personal best is being Holly. Holly the Goddess, the High Priestess, the seeker of love, of truth, and of wisdom who transcends pain into passion, love and light.”

Holly Guzanick
Yoga Instructor
High Priestess
Sacred Moon Discoveries


“Gratitiude brings life.”

Debbie Stacey
Program Manager
High Priestess
Sacred Moon Discoveries


“Gratitude ?!?! You’ve got to be kidding!
What do you mean I should feel Gratitude?
Do you know what’s going on? What my life is like?
I don’t know how (or don’t want) to feel Gratitude about this.
Have you ever felt this way?
When I find myself in this type of funk, that’s when I ask for help from Beyond.
Beyond me. Beyond my daily dramas. Beyond my personal perspective.
I know Beyond sees a bigger picture.
Beyond probably sees how this current circumstance will open the doorway and pave the path toward something even more marvelous in my life.
When ‘I’m just not seeing it’ I ask Beyond to feel the Gratitude for me.
Beyond Knows. Beyond can See.
I ask Beyond to show me what it sees, tell me what it knows.
I watch and listen.
It may not happen right away, but eventually my vision clears and I hear words of comfort and encouragement.
I start to feel Gratitude myself.
If not for the circumstance, then for knowing that Beyond sees everything and knows that All is Well with my life.
Could you use some help from Beyond?
All you have to do is ask.
Now that is something to be Grateful for!”

Linda Krokenberger
Network Spinal Analyst


“Gracious Gratitude is being aware that I exist in and by the Grace of the Omnipresent Creator. In me and all around me. I am Grateful that I know this for it is through His/Her Grace!”

Georgina Lentz
Energy Healer

I sat in a channeling and this message rolled out from my Celestial Team who work within and through me. I am very grateful for this support and loving connection:

“I awaken in the Light of Gratitude with a flow that heals all wanting. I Am a discovery of my Divinity shared with All BEings of nature on Earth and All of Universal Creation.”

Celestial Team
Channeled by Wendy Chaffin
Celtic High Priestess and Facilitator of
Sacred Moon Discoveries
Metaphysical Minister
Spiritual Counselor
Energy Healer/Teacher

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How To Truly Nurture Yourself and Others – Oak Moon

Do you secretly wish with great intent to love your whole life, your lessons, your family, friends, acquaintances and even those you don’t know around the world past, present and future? If you could open yourself up to that kind of love with the brightest of boundaries so that you may only feel love and remain a beacon of pleasant wholeness for others, would you do that?

Inspiration to nurture yourself comes from a soulful expression deep within you . You feel a calling up from a sacred pool of love, joy and abundance spiraling from within and without. This is the place you instinctively go to. It is power beyond comprehension. An emanating force that reigns. This gifting place is your true North, South, East and West.

Recognize that the same presence and power that created the entire universe is at work within you always guiding you to your greatest benefit.

Try asking your Higher Self to awaken the potential of Big Love. What do you think would happen if you made this your daily mantra?

Close your eyes and whisper these words,
“I am a beacon of love in the world expanding beyond my limited comprehension. I am awakened and nurtured by this awareness and in return I awaken the world.”

And So It Is

Channeled by Wendy Chaffin


The Year 2017 – Spin the Wheel of Fortune!

December gave many opportunities for final awareness and wrap up of old lessons we’ve been working on for nine years (9 – the sacred number of completion).

As this new year begins to open up for us, I sense a feeling of Higher Consciousness and Higher Love. It is a year for trusting, allowing and giving in to the bigger picture.

Using the sacred tarot, we can extract meaning from the numbers of the New Year.

When you add the 2+0+1+7, it equals 10.

The 1 symbolizes the beginning of the new nine-year cycle. 1 is the unmanifested, unlimited power of the Universe encompassing all that’s good and all that’s bad depending on the interpretation. It is also the Magician who with the inspiration of the Divine can manifest whatever he/she sets intention to create.

The 0 is total trust in God/Goddess knowing that the hand of the Divine will guide safely. It is blind faith, the Fool’s journey. The Fool has come to this point after many trails.

The number 10 alone is the Wheel of Fortune. You never know what you are going to get, but if you let go and allow the Divine plan to unfold, all the right and important lessons will be experienced. Complacency is impossible within this vibration. Growth, a new phase of life, and changes are evident with every turn of the wheel. Hold your center and you will not be thrown off course.

Another important number in 2017 is the 17 alone. This is the Star vibration. She is also unpredictable, but holds very hopeful faith in the midst of difficulties. With your true heart’s knowing you will live in higher states of awareness which always includes love, magic and mystery. Signs will be presented leading you through the necessary steps to make your dreams come true.

And what about the 2 that we have been enjoying for 16 years? This is the High Priestess. She holds the balance between creation and destruction, the conscious mind and the unconscious mind where the secret patterns of destiny are contained. We will be working with this energy pattern on Earth for many more years to come.

Wendy Chaffin
January 2017

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Relationships are the Elixir of Life!

Relationships teach us so much about ourselves daily that we are exhausted at times. Bringing ourselves back to THE PRESENT is our ticket to peace. This moon month it is advisable to pay attention to the times when you try to fix what is not working. Improving, or saving yourself or others, only takes you away from the real spiritual work of practicing acceptance moment to moment. Hold a beautiful energy field with awareness of unconditional love. Confess to yourself when you are holding expectations of how the relationship should work and know that being present to what is working is the magic in the moment to utilize. Be brave and honest about who you really are and you will understand so much more about how relationships are actually mixtures and elixirs to experience fun, love, joy, peace, bliss … you name it!

Wendy Chaffin
October 2016

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Understanding and Retrieving Messages From The Spirit World

Here are some questions I have been asked through the years:

Do you need to put yourself in a certain mindset in order to channel?

In the beginning I needed to put myself in a certain mindset by setting a sacred circle and clearing my thoughts, but then later it became more of a natural thing.

How do you know when you’re channeling?

For me it’s like a wave of energy that moves through my brain, or I can feel a download of information in my head that I know is separate from me in someways, at least separate from my personality.

Is it an epiphany or do you actually ask a question and the answer comes to you?


Do you hear the messages as if someone is talking to you?

It usually starts with a feeling first, then instant knowing and partially-formed pictures. Sometimes the picture is very clear and can even unfold like a movie. I interpret the symbolism and it takes what seems to me like a nanosecond to do it. I can also see and hear words and sentences. They come to me one at time, then as I continue, I go into a trance and the words just flow from me. I begin to speak without deciphering the words. The feeling, seeing, and knowing come in random order and flow together in succinct, clear messages.

How did this ability develop?

I believe this practice has come through my own meditations and facilitating meditation with others for over 15 years, but I did have an inclination since I was very young to communicate with guardians. After all, they were my best friends.

Once you ask a question of the Universe, do you always get an answer?

Yes! The answers are always there.

Wendy Chaffin
August 2016

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Saint Mother Teresa Enveloped and Demonstrated the Sacred Energy of Mother Mary

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”

“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.”

Saint Mother Teresa

The spiritual vibration of Mother Teresa has made an impact on me even when I was very young. I didn’t pay much attention to the news or current events, but I remembered her and liked her. The thought of her made me happy. In elementary school, I thought how good to know that there are people in the world that care with deep conviction.

Now through my work and studies developing the Divine Feminine in myself and others and as a Celtic High Priestess of Daughters of the Moon and Sacred Moon Discoveries, I know her in other guise as the Divine Mother, Goddess, or Mother Earth.

Father Joseph Langford, cofounder with Mother Teresa of her community of priests, the Missionaries of Charity Fathers, and author of “Mother Teresa: In the Shadow of Our Lady,” writes Mother Teresa’s secrets from her deep and revealing letters only he was allowed to read. It was important for him to reveal the letters to support her Cannonization by the Catholic Church. She will be identified as a Saint this year in 2016, possibly in September.

Mother Mary strengthened her in carrying her own pain, and in tending to the pain of the poor. “Our Lady (Mother Mary) would help her to not only believe in the night, but to love in the night – to transform the mystery of the cross, both within her and around her, into seeds of resurrection.”

“Mother Teresa discovered that Our Lady’s presence alongside her in the slums purified things, no matter how sullied, and beautified things, no matter how uncomely. She opened the blackest of horizons to the light of God’s grace.”

Mother Teresa emptied herself in order to allow Light to move through her. In doing so, she became a Channel of Light.

I stumbled into the movie, ” The Letters, ” on Netflix. She wanted “to serve Him amongst the poorest of the poor” in India. I was so completely touched by her devotional love and acceptance. She spent over 50 years teaching, nursing, befriending and allowing safe passage for the dying. I was moved by how many people she served.

I related particularly because I just recently lost my mother in 2015 to a quick and scary cancer. I had to adjust my understanding of life and the importance of honoring another’s soul path passing time without attachment. It was a blessing to share love and peace in the midst of darkness. It was and still is a humbling experience.

In her letters to Father Langford it was obvious that Mother Teresa endured tremendous darkness. She felt abandoned by God. It was as if she had to feel the nothingness to allow God’s Greatness to work through her.

Here is a link below to the song, “Run” by Leona Lewis, played at the end of the movie. It is beautiful, but intense and extracts many interpretations. Here is mine. As we let go of those we love, or in the passings (deaths, changes) in our lives, there is Hope, Beauty and Divine Reflection (Light reflecting from our Union with others and Source).

Wendy Chaffin
June 2016


ATTENTION LIGHTWORKERS Who Forget to Nurture Themselves!


So many of us are blessed with natural and soulful care and concern for others. We spend our days shaping our lives around others. We find love and beauty in selflessness, but without including ourselves in this blessed nurturing, a consistent, full heart remains illusive. Such fullness is felt through service, the love of others, the blessings of others, the joys and sorrows, and the soul plans followed and those not followed. We are helping, loving, accepting and showing our deepest heartfelt understanding by holding space for other’s soul fulfillment. “What a beautiful thing!” You might say. True, it is. Service to others is the ultimate gift to Self. What happens though is an odd feeling of emptiness when we forget ourselves. When the person receiving the caretaking withdraws and detaches to experience their own sense of self, we find ourselves stunned with a gaping hole in our hearts remembering the need to find joy in ourselves, and our own energy. In the moment of disconnection from those we care for, creatures of habit that we are, we are not equipped with the focus needed for ourselves and we lack the necessary routine and rituals that accompany a healthy lifestyle. And you know, some of these people never withdraw. They are the needy type. This may be comforting at first, then exhausting because each one of us have a deep, inner calling to find our true soul center. Our soul center is the place where our spiritual heart feels contentment, peace, love, joy and passion. As we follow our soul plan, we feel the fulfillment in everything we do, even when it gets tough as we are still learning and growing here on Earth. It is necessary to love and care with boundaries that allow both the caretaker and the receiver to each have his or her own space for soul growth.

Here is a simple, but Golden Tip #1:

Imagine a Golden Chalice in the center of your heart. Know this Chalice must remain full at all times and with all kinds of love. Ask yourself if you are “topped off,” fill your Chalice up! Cute huh? Sounds like a fluid check at the service station! If you are not topped off, fill it! You can fill it one day at a time, one hour at a time, weekly, etc…. This depends on your need.

Knock Three Times, Tip #2:

Boundaries are good. Here is a way to hold loving boundaries where you too are included in the love. Ask yourself three times. Do I need to tend to this and be present here? If you get a yes after “knocking three times,” it’s a solid yes. For those of you who may be my age, remember Tony Orlando? “Knock three times on the ceiling…?” If you get a single no (or more) out of three, it’s a no. Let go.

A Wonderful Journaling Tip #3:

Get a journal that is solely for writing one message a day about what you did that day to recognize how wonderful you are. Use your senses. Feel your favorite things spiritually (knowing and seeing included), emotionally (Feel, feel, feel and it is all ok! Give that to yourself.), mentally (You are smart and interesting.), physically (Eat, jump, dance, stretch, take risks by touching, feeling, and experiencing.), egoically (You have talent. Be confident.), and soulfully (How do you serve others and yourself with what you enjoy?). Take notice of what you love in nature, music, people, movies, exercise, words….

Wendy Chaffin
June 2016

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Balance on the Path of Devotional Love

A fabulous choice: love of self and love of others… in balance! Most of us are out of whack when it comes to keeping the balance between love of self and love of others, and service to self and service to others. How do we know whether to compromise or to follow our deepest desires with full force when our desires do not seem to align with those of the people in our lives whom we care so much about?

Here is what the Guardians have said to me on this matter:

“We suggest keeping it simple. We remind you to activate a preference for contentment and peace in your heart soothing your mind and nervous system. Holding balance first requires a commitment. Communicate with your loved ones your desire to share a devotional love. Define this together. Express intentions to bless each other’s journey. Discuss together what is clear in your mind and heart. Compromises will feel healthy, fulfilling and appropriate in the union. Be unafraid to reveal your true essence and love for one another. True devotional love will not harm, but heal, uplift and reflect your true Divinity. Blessed Be”

Wendy Chaffin
May 2016


Emotional Suffering – A Crying Shame

Suffering is an option. Pain may be present at times, but it can be transmuted into Light by asking your Divine Self, your Higher Divine Guardians, the Ascended Masters to heal it and release it. Breathe into the Light to feel balance, peace, joy, love, gentleness, connection, tranquility, radiance, wisdom….Recognizing the Light is gathering your awareness into the present moment where all healing magic resides.

Empathy and compassion are generated toward the other or toward yourself by recognizing the suffering or pain. Sometimes it seems needless and other times necessary, but all is for learning and transformation. Pain is unavoidable in life. To understand pain is to appreciate pleasure. Capture one to capture the other.

Be aware of pain before it becomes suffering. Develop the skills to grab a hold of it before it grabs a hold of you.

I have found Reiki Energy healing work assists the receiver of a healing session and the practitioner to sensitize to be aware of the first trappings of pain as it is experienced. Level One Reiki begins this practice of becoming more sensitive and aware of the subtle happenings that manifest in the body whether it is emotional, mental, or physical while learning tools to bring Light frequencies in as protection from suffering. Level Two greatly increases this ability. Level Three/Four Master Teacher delves into the Mastery of release.

Wendy Chaffin
April 2016


Follow Your Joy to Your Spiritual Heart

Your Spirit Heart resides deeply within your core essence. It knows the abundance of the Universe. You can find this essence as you remember the feelings of radiant connection you have experienced in your precious, innocent, childhood memories. Do you remember those expanded glowing moments when you felt one with the present moment? Take time to remember. Sit quietly and ask your Higher Self, “When was I aware of my Spiritual Heart and what did it feel like?” Bask in the memories. Fill yourself up. Ask to awaken the magnificence of Love with and around your heart center and share it so brightly out to others bypassing all resistance from your egoic personality. Awaken your vulnerable, Spiritual Heart. FEEL the joy, the warmth, the tenderness and excitement all in one. You are brilliance in physical form!

Wendy Chaffin
February 2016