Sacred Discoveries


Gentle Action with Alder Moon 2013

The Alder is a tree that supports and protects physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  It is associated with weapons and shields.  Knowing when to take up the sword and when to take up the shield is very important.

During Alder Moon, my High Priestess taught me to be comfortable in intense, goal oriented Alder of action and passion, but to remember my integrity.  Imagine there is a sweet deer next to you as you go along in the forest as the warrior/warrioress -Gentle Action  – so as not to scare away your friends and family!


Heart Magik with Ash Moon

We flow into Ash Moon Mother on Sunday, February 10th, 2013.  She is the magnificence and beauty of the Divine Feminine.  She teaches us many lessons about living from our heart.  Please let me know how you are feeling this moon month because  it is all about FEELINGS!

The Ash Tree (The Wisdom of Trees Jane Gifford)

In the early histories of Ireland, it is said that five magical trees protected the land;  three of these were ash trees, the other two were yew and oak.

St. Patrick in the 5th century CE was said to have driven all serpents out of Ireland with the aid of an ash stick.  To the Celtic people, the serpent represented the female earth energy and so to them this act of St. Patricks’ also symbolized  the banishment of the goddess from the involvement in the affairs of humankind.

In Northern European legend, the ash is seen as the Great World Tree, a symbol of universality, which spreads its roots and branches over every land and forms a link between the gods, humankind, and the dead.

In ancient Scandinavian legend three goddesses known as the Three Norns dispensed justice from beneath the sacred ash.

The Greek goddess Nemesis also carried an ash branch as an instrument of divine justice on behalf of the Gods.

The Vikings believed that the first man was born of ash and their god, Odin, hung himself from this magical tree to receive illumination in the shape of the runes – an ancient form of writing similar to ogham – the secret form of written language known only to the Druid intiates (the Celtic tree alphabet).

The ash is also connected to the waters of life and is associated with the sea.

For the Celts, the ash was the guardian of universal truths.




Jan. 11th Rowan Moon Time

Rowan Moon is my personal favorite, well, because it relates to Aquarius and that would be me! I am an Aquarius Sun and Moon! To the Celts, the rowan tree was associated with visions, vitality and reawakening! Rowan is able to flourish higher up on the mountains than most trees. It is closer to the sun and divine inspiration in extreme environments and it still retains its grace of form and its potential for healing.

Rowan is the Tree of Quickening, of Sacred Fire, and of the Awakening of Spirit!

Broaden your perspective and allow a deeper understanding of your place in the Universe during Rowan Moon!


It’s Elder time.

It’s Elder time. One of my favorites. This is the time for Sacred Silence. Be still and do nothing. That means when you really engaged in it, I mean REALLY, you do not have the TV on or music playing. You do not speak with anyone and you do not even make eye contact! You can snuggle up somewhere and put some water, tea or snacks nearby and possibly a journal, but do not, I repeat, do not talk with or move around with anyone. Not many of us can really do Sacred Silence with family, or roomates around. It’s sometimes impossible to find that space. You can try to do silence for a shorter time like an hour and if you have the opportunity, go for a day! or a couple of days or more! We have two weeks until the full moon to try this. Now, why? Just wait. After your ego goes through a workout and you are ready to freak out…the magik occurs. Awareness.

Now, the other way to do this is to remain peaceful in your work day or family time. You may tend to keep to yourself. Don’t hurt anyone’s feelings. Let them know what you are up to. It helps.

Good luck. Let me know how it goes.


Reed, Reed, Reed.

Everyone gets so nervous when it’s Reed Moon. It is good to know that when you face your fears and move through them, the other side is light, airy, fresh and new. Your heart pumps and your knees are knocking, but when it’s over, your soul sings! Some people have episodes throughout the entire moon month and others have a build up throughout to one big event at the end. It feels like a death experience and then a rebirth. If you are ready and willing, Reed Mother works with you. Just don’t go against her.


The Ivy Moon

Ivy Moon comes in and reminds us to not get so tangled up in others’ issues and energy. The Ivy warns us by the way it can so easily choke out the life of the other plants. The best course of action is “still movement”. Be an observer of life around you with great intuitive awareness. It ‘s like a moving meditation. The more you are aware, magik sets in. We begin to see the bigger picture and awaken to our Higher Truth and Balance.

I would love to hear the stories of success as well as the snarly relationship complications. We can assist each other in staying observant and detached. It does become an interesting display at times as those we love become ensnarled in others lives.


New Moon in Hazel

From the book The Wisdom of Trees by Jane Gifford: “The ancient Celts regarded the hazel as the Tree of Knowledge. All knowledge and understanding was bound, sweet and concentrated, in the hazelnut’s kernel, so all wisdom was combined, as the saying goes, ‘in a nutshell.’ The hazel is a tree of magic and healing. It is the poet’s tree whose sacred nuts conferred inspiration and immortality and were the food of the gods.”

The hazel encourages us to seek out knowledge and inspiration in all ways and in all things. Meditate on the essence or energy of wisdom and you will gain creative inspiration. Be pliant like the limbs of the hazel tree in your approach to learning. Be open to connect with the Divine Source of all things. Learn, teach, communicate and heal!

Know that you do know!


New Moon in Holly! (Pronounced Hal-lee, like the the holiday tree)

Holly Moon teaches us to be CONFIDENT! She has a powerful radiance that reminds us to put our light into the world. Express yourself, show yourself and don’t hold back. Allow your talents and personality to be seen. When your ego pulls you in or tries to control you to be careful, wait, could be dangerous, ask your Higher Self, “Am I being misrepresented by my ego trying to protect me in a limiting way or is this sound advice?” Ask a few times, yes, talk to yourself! Breathe away the anxiety and remember that you do know a few things and you are ready to be your unique self. We all can’t wait to see.