Sacred Discoveries


A Couple of Hours with Wendy and Nature on a Hiking Trail

     There I sat under my favorite oak tree at Mission Trails on a beautiful, warm, and lightly windy fall morning – my initial goal was to get out of the house and exercise, so I did – I worked up a sweat walking all around and finally plunked myself under a great tree to ponder what to write about – I had never taken this long to figure it out – my mind was searching for what seemed much longer than it should be. Then the random acts of spirit began to talk to me – and this is what showed itself to me in my sacred silence, NOISE! – “Emmy!-Emmy!-Emmy!- Come here!  Where are you?”   
     Someone was calling out from a distance – this person seemed pretty perturbed that Emmy would take off and go so far away. And then Emmy showed up in front of me. A sweet dog that looked like a fox.  She looked right into my eyes like she was on a mission to meet me. So I took a moment, tuning into her eyes and asked, “What’s the message, Emmy?” –
     I heard, “You lie to yourself.”
     “Yeah, you know that there’s nothing more wonderful,  nothing more sacred, nothing more interesting than the present moment right here right now.” Then Emmy left to go meet her family.
     Hmmmm – I thought about it for a moment. For most of my life I have not accepted the truth of my power, the presence within me and all around me, in each present moment. Thinking that I am present when I’m not IS a lie.
     Now the wind began to blow through the trees, moving them and making sounds as if to say, – “Shhhhhh … Dummmmmmmy … This powerful presence is here with you always and we are one with you.”
     I caught a chill there, disciplined by nature. So I got up to get back in the sun on the trail so that I could see and hear what else spirit was trying to tell me. And then it occurred to me:  Nothing is trying to tell me anything. It’s me trying too hard as usual. Thinking that life has to always be hard. I have to over-try to make something happen for myself. All my wants and needs can only manifest through trying. There is a fine line between trying and BEing. When we start to BE, we feel wonderful and we begin to manifest by being present and recognizing abundance in the moment. Once I notice the abundance that’s there in front of me, I have to try to create again. The trap of trying! So, then in front of me on the trail are hundreds of rocks making it really hard to figure out where the trail is. I tripped over a rock and almost fell. It was then that spirit reminded me, “Choose! – and while you’re choosing, pay attention to what’s in front of you.”
     So I looked in front of me, to the sides of me, to my backside all around and up! – And what I discovered was that I was in the middle of a panorama that took my breath away and filled me with joy.
     As I continued along the path, I came upon a bridge with a sign nearby displaying the words, – “Life and Death.”  It was a message about forest fires, how they affect the trees and the animals there, and how nature rebirths itself and sustains itself again – the very bottom of the sign had a quote I had never noticed there before. It said,
     “For certain is death for the born and certain is birth for the dead; therefor over the inevitable thou shouldest not grieve.”  –Bhagavad-Gita
     Wow!  I walked that trail many times before yet never saw that small writing at the bottom of the sign. The bridge told me, simply put, “I join the two sides together.”  I thought immediately of my mother’s recent passing this year – although terribly confusing and painful to lose her physically, I feel her close-by in spirit in a comforting way. My thoughts moved to the pain of trying – I was ready to end this pattern and allow the death of it. “I’m sure there’s comfort on the other side of that as well,”- I thought.
      Further on the path, the words “Presence-BEing-Creating” came to me in that way and in that order. “I can’t create unless I’m present.”
     I was taken aback by a funny looking tree all slumped over, partially alive, but seemingly dead. I thought to myself, “Geez, I feel that way often. Why would we be so alive and then act dead at the same time?  Why not live out presently what’s being shown to us, absorb every moment with all the love we have and get everything out of our creation rather than shirking it off or doubting what is in front of us?” – I knew in that moment that I’m doing life in fast-forward, hoping for better ahead in the future. But I also realized that in many ways I have a slow way of doing life, too, looking back so often. I’ve acquired a lot of knowledge along the way and I have a lot to share. So I walked on with my shoulders back and my eyes open. No need to slouch like that tree.
     These spiritual messages that Mother Nature gave me filled me up 100%. Spirit, my Higher Self, God, Goddess, the Universe, the Cosmos are supporting me 100%! – Everything I need is right here, right now, currently present in the make-up of my life. I am blessed and so are you. Pay attention: You’re being spoken to. –
     Thanks, Emmy.  You put me on an intuitive course for success.
Wendy Chaffin
November 2015
Blog Most Popular

The Mastery Of Divine Relationship

When we give up our cravings for more, better, and different, we open ourselves to the creative currents of change in relationship – the Mystery.  In time the experience of relationship becomes more powerful than anything conceived alone.
Divine relationships begin with an intention to create a Sacred Union.  Tenderness, respect and appreciation bring peace and contentment.  A Divine relationship is also cherishing and nurturing. Love is the abiding destiny and the most natural condition. Through loving one another the Divine is experienced.
Releasing control and the willingness to trust even in the darkest hours, calls forth the Mystery of Divine Relationship.
Wendy Chaffin
October 2015
Blog Most Popular

How to Embrace Change

~Embrace change and you’ll recognize abundance. Try it and pay attention.
~Live in the present moment.  Everything that has been, is and will be, exists at the same time.
~Rather than running, contracting, or retreating, be silent to hear God, your Higher Self, your guardians messages through feeling, thoughts, visions, etc… answering our hearts and guiding us to safety, security, love.
~Be positive.  The higher dimensions only support a more expansive spiritual viewpoint to influence the trajectory of our lives.
~Be in gratitude.  It is the ultimate confirmation of intent.  You recognize the good and you own it.  You created it and it is now so.   Awen!
Wendy Chaffin
September 2015



Loving Self – A Gift of Immense Proportion

     One day in a conversation with a kind, elderly man I was compelled to relay how important it is to love himself.  He asked me, “Why do I need to love myself and why is it necessary?”  He was a dedicated and devoted husband and spent his whole life loving others.  He also said, ” I am a drop in the pond of life.  I am as insignificant as a grain of sand on the beach.”
     So I reminded him that he is infinitely small and immensely large as the ever expanding universe with all this happening at the same time.
     He may not leave this earth until he recognizes not only love for another, which he has done successfully, but to love himself.
     As he learns to love himself, he will reflect back his self-love to others and they will in turn love themselves more easily.
     We  both agreed that love is the ultimate truth. After all it is heart-warmingly pleasant, peaceful and exists energetically in and around all matter. The matter itself is a facade overlying this beautiful vibration.
Wendy Chaffin
September 2015


Who Is Archangel Metatron?

From the void is the potential of pure light.  This radiant light being is the right hand of God. He will heal all who ask and more effectively those that prepare in a sacred manner.
Metatron’s powerful presence holds light frequencies here an earth to assist us in ascension, raising our vibration for an enlightened conscious path on earth.
Experience with this loving, generous being reveals to me the essence of pure potential in white light of all colors. He participates in the creation of all things, including the Universe, galactic and planetary systems and social structures within the spiritual world (including the birth of soul groups and all souls).
He teaches that all is possible through love, the highest level of awareness allowing all things to be made manifest.
Wendy Chaffin
August 2015


“Compassion comes from deep inside you and radiates all around you.
When you tap this fountain you drink abundantly.
Free flowing and ever present, this force guides your life.
Allow the Great Love.
Give permission for the Great Love to flow from you and through you.
Awaken with Awareness small or large.
Grow and enjoy this gift that’s yours.”

Channeled by Wendy Chaffin
July 2015



Choice Points


     In each present moment you are given choice points, small nano seconds to act out on our heart’s truest, deepest insights.  How will you use these blasts of knowing?
     In each present moment there is a multitude of feelings moving through you.  Can you savor this flow of emotion as it happens?
     In each present moment a kaleidoscope of colors and images are signs showing you the way to your soul’s purpose.  Are you paying attention?
     In each present moment there is a wealth of love and abundance waiting for you.  Will you reach out and claim it as your own?
Wendy Chaffin
May 2015




     My greatest mastery is when I maintain my awareness that everyone I meet, everyone I see, everyone I talk to is the essence of God/Goddess.  Everything I see, touch, smell, hear, feel, sense, experience in some way is God/Goddess.
How do we remember?
A channeled message from whom I call
the Elohem:
     “You are blessed by knowing who you really Are.  You are blessed by activating your Divinity.  You are blessed in your creations that are positive and the ones that seem like failures. Maintaining conscious focus on this Higher Truth allows you to live a life of Higher Truth.   By choosing to maintain focus on the Love that God/Goddess IS, you can create and enjoy the blessings of Love.   So we say, start the enactment of creating more love and times that are beautiful and you will easily create more of this love and beauty.  And more beauty and love is a blessed reality, is it not?  It then becomes easier to see the Divinity in others and all things.”
So, focus on love and beauty.  Put reminders (a picture, a stone, a scent, a note, etc.) in your environment that trigger a thought that love and beauty is to be reset into your mental awareness.  Change the reminders often. 
Wendy Chaffin



The Fourth Dimension

“The Fourth Dimension is the vibration of Divine Love, Spiritual Compassion, and Spiritual Selflessness.  Here you are aligned with the Sound of the Universe.  Your Higher Self, your Higher Divine Guardians and the Universe Itself speak to you in clairvoyant ways through sight, sound, feeling,and knowing.  Here you harmonize your etheric and emotional bodies. Karmic patterns can be released with love and understanding. The 4th dimension relates to your 8th chakra which is located about a foot above your head and is through and all around you.  In your physical body, it is an immune system balancer, and relates to your heart, thymus gland, and the manubrium (upper part of the sternum).”

Practice staying aware of the fourth dimension that you are always connected to while you are here walking your earth path.

Wendy Chaffin




Everyone seems to be fascinated with knowing the colors of their energy field – the aura. Understanding and reading someone’s aura is complicated.  I have been seeing them my whole life, but just like it takes our whole life to understand our spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, ego, and soul processes of our lives, so it goes for reading the aura.
The aura will appear to the reader in a way that only he or she can read it and everyone’s intuitive processing is different.
 Below I am sharing a variety of notes on the ways to identify the subtleties of the aura and some of my important discoveries:
*The colors tend to be neon and other worldly and changeable.
*Sometimes there are geometric lines and patterns rather than colors, or both.
*There are radiances of energy that spread out around and in different directions around a chakra sometimes blending together.
*The chakras are not lined up straight up and down the body like in metaphysical pictures.
*The chakras are not colored like a perfect rainbow.  Everyone has their own unique color patterns.  There is no right color order.
*Some chakras are rimmed with silver, gold or opalescence.
*Not all dark colors or reds indicate sickness or pain.
* Intuiting color starts with what the color means to the reader.
*Images, symbols, knowings and even tones can be intuited for information.
*Blips of colored or white light that show up around the body, and depending on where they are, can indicate past, present and future energies.
*Energies can look soft, spongy, solid, you name it!
*The chakra colors or energies can be confused with the different, changeable energy layers that are around the body including, but not limited to:  the physicial, mental, emotional, astral, celestial, and so on.
*Auras extend very far out and even look as if the person is going to float away, or look the opposite, contained.
     The list goes on and forever as we all advance in our intuitive skills. My hope is to share what has taken me so many years to learn.  May you glean from my experiences.
     I am available to work with you to enhance your understanding of your chakras and energy field with private healing sessions, meditation, Reiki training or future classes.  I am blessed to be in service to you.
Wendy Chaffin