Sacred Discoveries


Choice Points


     In each present moment you are given choice points, small nano seconds to act out on our heart’s truest, deepest insights.  How will you use these blasts of knowing?
     In each present moment there is a multitude of feelings moving through you.  Can you savor this flow of emotion as it happens?
     In each present moment a kaleidoscope of colors and images are signs showing you the way to your soul’s purpose.  Are you paying attention?
     In each present moment there is a wealth of love and abundance waiting for you.  Will you reach out and claim it as your own?
Wendy Chaffin
May 2015




     My greatest mastery is when I maintain my awareness that everyone I meet, everyone I see, everyone I talk to is the essence of God/Goddess.  Everything I see, touch, smell, hear, feel, sense, experience in some way is God/Goddess.
How do we remember?
A channeled message from whom I call
the Elohem:
     “You are blessed by knowing who you really Are.  You are blessed by activating your Divinity.  You are blessed in your creations that are positive and the ones that seem like failures. Maintaining conscious focus on this Higher Truth allows you to live a life of Higher Truth.   By choosing to maintain focus on the Love that God/Goddess IS, you can create and enjoy the blessings of Love.   So we say, start the enactment of creating more love and times that are beautiful and you will easily create more of this love and beauty.  And more beauty and love is a blessed reality, is it not?  It then becomes easier to see the Divinity in others and all things.”
So, focus on love and beauty.  Put reminders (a picture, a stone, a scent, a note, etc.) in your environment that trigger a thought that love and beauty is to be reset into your mental awareness.  Change the reminders often. 
Wendy Chaffin



The Fourth Dimension

“The Fourth Dimension is the vibration of Divine Love, Spiritual Compassion, and Spiritual Selflessness.  Here you are aligned with the Sound of the Universe.  Your Higher Self, your Higher Divine Guardians and the Universe Itself speak to you in clairvoyant ways through sight, sound, feeling,and knowing.  Here you harmonize your etheric and emotional bodies. Karmic patterns can be released with love and understanding. The 4th dimension relates to your 8th chakra which is located about a foot above your head and is through and all around you.  In your physical body, it is an immune system balancer, and relates to your heart, thymus gland, and the manubrium (upper part of the sternum).”

Practice staying aware of the fourth dimension that you are always connected to while you are here walking your earth path.

Wendy Chaffin
