Holly tree belonged to the underground Goddess Holle and its red berries were seen as drops of her life-giving blood, in which lay the secret of the tree’s immortality or year-round greenness.
Holly branches, leaves and berries were used during the holy season. Holly brings holiness to one’s consciousness. Relate to the Great Creator/Creatress of All Life with reverence, respect, love and honor.
Holly brings out the maturing warrioress who stands for what is right and good. It is a tree of protection and strength.
This moon is energetic. She teaches of healthy egos, self confidence, recognition, and the power of truth, commitment and approachability.
Communicate with me how you are maintaining a healthy ego and if you are challenged, I’m sure others could benefit in knowing they are not the only ones!
7 replies on “Holly Moon is a Holy Moon”
Journey for Holly Moon:
How do you show the world your talents?
I speak from my heart.
I act from my heart.
I respect all life.
I seek my truth.
Soul, Spirit – Clarity
What a beautiful example of service you are in the the world. Thank you for sharing this!
The power of truth… it’s tricky. I decided I wanted to do more work around energy, so my massage clients decided to take a break too. Lol I am learning in this moon energy that I am a metaphysical being, teacher, counselor. Goddess Epona and the full moon of Holly has taught me that one. I am way powerful and capable of allowing and accepting the challenge to GO FOR IT. I am a talented energy worker.
You certainly are! Your connection with Goddess Epona matches your personality and you execute her abundance well in the sunny Holly Moon energy.
FYI: Taillte (Tell-chey) is a Goddess associated with Holly Moon. You can call her in too.
I’m challenged by your question. What does a healthy ego look like?
Ponder these statements:
I will have joy in my heart and express it in the things I say and do and settle for nothing less.
I recognize my purpose and reason for being here on earth.
I am ahead of my time and a role model for others.
I let go of limited perspectives and enlarge my view of life.
Everything that happens is meant to help move me into my Greater Self.
I am willing to believe in ideas of abundance, of validating my inner world, and of learning to grow through joy!
Work through these and you may unchallenge yourself.
I never answered your question here. Perhaps we spoke in private.
This is what I’d write to that! You are not afraid to shine in the world. You demonstrate your talents and exude confidence. Your Higher Self is expressed and your are joy-filled, creative, and loving.