Sacred Discoveries


Turn On Your Love Glow

You are always surrounded by shimmering love. Beyond fear is always love. By keeping your best interests in mind and maintaining healthy boundaries, you can be confident that guidance coming from your heart and soul will steer you forward safely. Your heart and soul always lead with a purity of high frequency infused with love. 

So, when you aren’t sure about your next steps, allow yourself to trust that you can enjoy the trail of golden, translucent breadcrumbs that lead you toward your most desired life, a life of love. Imagine loving your home life, intimate partnership, friends, work, family, community, and the world. Include your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical interests and creative hobbies into your intentions. In your mind invite your dreams to show up in the most wonderful of ways with your soul’s love to lead you. Let it be easy.

Now hold your focus and share this bright, love light with everyone and all the places your heart and soul guide you to.

Remember that love is nonjudgmental, constant, perfect and unchangeable. Love blends with all aspects of your existence. As you honor love as sacred, everything in your reality becomes Transcendent Love glowing with harmony and the Christ Light.


Surrender your personal will to the greater will of Loving Luminous Source. When you do this, you will find yourself living your most authentic life. At this time of rapid spiritual growth, let go and allow the higher dimensional energies to enhance your life by guiding you into higher service to yourself and others. Your higher self and your soul essence will guide your steps. Project brilliant life force energy (Love) out into the world. Emanate brightly from a place of personal power. Embrace your luminosity.

Wendy Chaffin 1/2025


New Year 2025 Transitions and Wrap-Ups

Happy New Year 2025! 2+0+2+5 equals 9. The 9 year marks a time of completion. You’re now ready for closure after working hard learning, processing, and having your patience tested. You will overcome obstacles and go beyond your limits this year!

Here’s a simple look at the 9th sephirah, Yesod, of the Kabalistic Tree of Life. What does it mean and how does it relate to your life? The Tree of Life is a map of the Universe that shows how everything is interconnected. You are the Divine Human Being that stands at the center. Yesod (Foundation) is located near the base like a vehicle that allows movement from one thing to another. It serves as the foundation for our actions and emotions. It represents the power of connection and our ability to form meaningful relationships with others and the Divine. In Yesod, the soul has the power to contact, connect, and communicate with outer reality, grounding your union with the earth. It is the bridge to manifestation (the 10th sephirah, Malkuth). Face and wrap up difficulties with spiritual maturity. You have the know-how to create the life you have always dreamed of.

Call in Archangel Gabriel to assist you this year by helping you connect to God/Goddess and to rely on your faith to engage in important, positive, creative, transitional wrap-ups in your life. Be open to more than you ever imagined.

Astrology 2025

2025 is not just another year! It is the start of a completely new era with themes of service, compassion, and integration. These astrological energy changes will have an even greater impact if personally discovered and seized. Also, collective hope may be inspired and offer visions of healing and practical solutions for fixing what is broken in politics, entertainment, and media.

Biggies this year – outer planets changing signs, and powerful aspects:

  • The Lunar Nodes: North to Pisces, South to Virgo (January 2025) 
  • Neptune enters Aries (March 2025) 
  • Saturn enters Aries (May 2025)
  • Jupiter enters Cancer (June 2025)
  • Uranus enters Gemini (July 2025) 
  • Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto connect through a Minor Triangle, a rare a and powerful configuration (August – December 2025)
  • A “dreams come true” aspect: exalted Jupiter forming trines with both Saturn and Neptune (October -December 2025)

Wendy Chaffin 1/2025


Sacred Silence Evokes Higher Wisdom

Through Contraction & Expansion

Turn off your phone, TV, and computer. BE still in every way. Let your mind be blank and let go. Breathe slowly and contract your energy inward to enter Sacred Silence. Go to a place of deep, soulful, inner knowing as you rest and heal. Create a sanctuary where you can search for the meaning of life, experience the gifts of your intuition, clairvoyance, and clairaudience, and receive loving, spiritual assistance. In Sacred Silence, you can rely on Higher Wisdom instead of your logical mind’s reasoning. 

After an hour, a day, or multiple days (lucky you), expand your energy like a blooming flower. Then, release it into your life. Trust in possibility. Open up with new, creative, big ideas and speak out about them. Focus on the positive, and enjoy humor and laughter. Energize and exercise. BE fulfilled, happy, and passionate. If you can take in even more joy, then call in Unicorn Multidimensional, Shimmering Light to accompany you in all that you do! Imagine. Connect. Experience. You may be surprised by the results!


Find time to be alone and still. Be patient with yourself as you release your ego restrictions. Enter Sacred Silence by letting go long enough to feel peace. Feel, see, hear, smell, know…

Connect with Divine Consciousness. Breathe deeply. Move away from the concept of duality as you visualize what unity will look like as humanity evolves into the experience of Universal Oneness. To assist you, meditate on the geometric shape, the dodecahedron that holds cosmic wisdom. It embodies Divine Thought and Life Force Energy.

You become the way-shower, a beacon of light that illuminates the path for others. You foster hope and awaken gifts, qualities, and hidden possibilities in those around you.

Wendy Chaffin 12/2024

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Our Divine Reflection ~ Messages From My Clients

Pure Magic ✨

The relationships I have with my clients mean the world to me. As we collaborate, we reflect back our Divinity to each other. With every exploration and realization, our energy is uplifted and amplified. The reflection of Omnipresence is humbling and beautiful. 

I had a strong desire to honor this experience, but found it hard to dig up the words, so I “phoned a friend” so to say. Here are some of the elevating words that I heard expressed from my posse of peeps (clients and friends) that have delighted me throughout the years. Thank you, thank you, thank you … my heart is overfilled with joy! I can honestly say that the below statements are exactly my thoughts and feelings toward you as well. What a blessing to teach, share and celebrate these messages that affirm my practice has such powerful effects:

~I learned how to feel and sense my heart essence throughout my whole energetic system. Together we bridge the connection between Earth and Cosmos, a profound experience became natural. 

~I felt validated that there are higher dimensional planes of existence other than just the 3rd dimensional Earth plane I was indoctrinated into. 

~I know I can manifest anything I want if I trust and allow it. You introduced me to the flow of abundance that is love, and you ride that current with me. 

~I am gratefully aware now that I have angels, guardians and guides to assist me along the way. 

~I learned the profound truth that my ancestors and guardians are parts of me. 

~Our meeting is a Divine intervention. Our souls are drawn together. 

~I was led to my joyous soul tribe. 

~I practiced feeling the presence of the Divine with you, then went on to experience this on my own in my life. 

~You take time to allow my process and make sure I leave feeling lighter, at peace with myself, complete and enthusiastic when I leave.

~I have a different perspective on the various aspects of my life. I’m more aware of how my choices impact outcomes. 

~You steered me to “read” for you unveiling my own gifts. I know now that spirit conveys messages through me. 

~The sessions helped me feel calm, clear and certain. I know that whatever is next, I will be more than ok.

~I was comforted with loving wings wrapped around me. You called that into our session. I learned I can call it into my life. 

~I noticed the elements and nature responding to a few of our beginning sessions. A storm came. Rain and lightning occurred to validate my awakening. 

~Powerful astrological influences were apparent at the time of my sessions. 

~It makes me happy and it’s fun to be able to connect with a fairy-like kindred spirit like my own. Our souls relate to our ancient healer and wise woman ways. Together we are normal in a crazy world. 

~All facets of me have been honored in our sessions including my feelings; my trials, tribulations and traumas of life; and especially my spiritual side. I could be myself completely. I am safe, accepted, understood, and supported. A new light is brought to the surface from a metaphysical perspective. I see things from the light of possibility, rather from the darkness and limited perspective I felt under. 

~You follow up to make sure that I get where I want to be. You are dedicated and devoted to my path. 

~You are the only one I could be this open with. I’m grateful for your authenticity and courage to reveal yourself as well. You are my spirit friend.

~I was reminded of my growth. I have come so far. I now see myself differently. 

~I learned to rephrase negative thoughts and spoken phrases into the positive. You said “Just Be” in the present where wholeness and health is. This stuck with me.

~Your intuitive touch calmed me. 

~Your giggle and teaching style is playful. You have me healing with laughter. 

~We understand each other’s language and communicate on a deeper level. We can find subtle humor in the absurd and mundane in life.

~You encourage me to be my best self. The trust, safety, and comfort established in our sessions allows me to see the best in myself. I am opening up to my pure potential.

~I recognize that everyone is a multidimensional being. We ARE the ancestors with wisdom, karmic stories, and lessons. We are all much bigger than we usually acknowledge in our daily 3-D interactions.

~I am living my life exactly how I want it. I assert myself. I speak, live and make decisions based on my higher truth. What I think and feel is important. I matter. 

Special thank you to the sweet, beautiful beings below and the many magnificent clients, friends, students, wise ones, for sharing your journey with me. Our collaboration is so valuable and meaningful for all of us: 

Debbie Stacey, Linda Krokenberger, Diane Besemer, Jenifer Gaudren, Sophia Ekwosi, Jean Mannerud, Isabela Rodriguez, Daniela Stevenson, Melissa Cota, Carla Hurtado, Matt Schraner, Michelle Navickas

Wendy Chaffin 9/2024


The Wendy Way as a Spiritual Counselor, Teacher & Energy Healer

We are often asked throughout our lives, “What do you do?” For me the answer is deep, so I choose to say, “I am a Spiritual Counselor/Teacher and Energy Healer” and skip the long, reflective explanation. But today I choose to answer with more details. I have recently been blessed with an epiphany that I am loved even more than I realized! That realization has led to an awakening of greater love for my soul journey and purpose. It gives me great joy to summarize it today. What “I do” is both innate and learned in the course of time. Since I was very young I played with and learned from my invisible childhood spirit friends. It took my whole life to recognize their value and purpose in a 3-dimensional world. Understanding the worlds beyond the 3rd dimension of order, rules and drama has been a journey of both deep pain and bliss. I was drawn to the higher dimensions of lights, color and love essence and continue the never-ending quest to understand this BIG LOVE I sensed as a child. 

I naturally synthesize esoteric and etheric knowledge and practices by communicating, sharing, facilitating and teaching; raising vibration, and enjoying the higher vibrations with others through my readings and channeling. My gifts of clairvoyance have become unbounded through the years.

With focused awareness: I blend into many energy fields; male and female universal vibrations; dimensions including human and non human auras; higher vibrational beings, and guardians who assist me and others. My genius is to delve deeply into the subtleties that exist in loving and kind willing adults because this brings such beautiful fulfilment in my life. I see what makes a person separate and what makes each person part of a spiritual whole (Oneness). I pay attention to the intuitive insights that channel through me, and carefully share this information. I link the larger picture of astrological alignments and patterns to mind, body, and spirit experiences. I meditate in the akashic records, a place of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent to ever have occurred in the past, present, or future in all entities and life forms, not just human. I look for patterns that people repeat to assist them with greater lessons of love to create an empowered lifetime. I energetically blend into plants, trees, flowers, insects, animals, birds, soil, stones, etc. to gain wisdom and healing from each, that I believe come from many places in the galactic universe. I energetically blend into the elements of fire, water, air and earth, as well as the highest spiritual realms, and the soul realms (above and below) for unity and assistance is creating a safe space to connect freely. I learned about the magnificence of the transpersonal higher realms and the lower basic realms in each of our chakra energy systems. I watch for soul patterns from other lifetimes occurring in the past, present and future all at once. I interpret the vibrations that I feel and sense in others’ light body systems by blending into them energetically to check for imbalances and life lessons. 

I am a practiced Celtic High Priestess of over 20 years which includes shamanic healing and teaching of the 13 Sacred Divine Feminine Pathways. I am a Reiki/Kauna Reiki Master since 1996. I have performed well over a thousand attunements and have worked with many dedicated life-long students. I committed to a 6 year Qabalah immersion study that still resonates through my life many years later. I train my gifted clients to meditate and listen to their own intuition in their own unique way.

Spirit has sent me a safe network of lovely people through the years to connect with, so that I can continually grow and learn. Each person I connect with reflects back to me different insights and awareness that I absorb and cherish. Divine Love is the vibrational driving force in all that I do. Love continues to humble me, expand me, and nurture my existence. I have faith and trust in this pathway. I am mindful of sharing spiritual information with my students (to the best of my ability) in a way that honours growth in right-soul-timing. I share my authentic self, and my clients do the same.

I am always open to receive the greater gifts I am offered through you and your reflections and I thank you now and forever for that. I have always known that I am a child of the universe always ready to play! Thank you for playing with me!

So now that you have read the above, forget all that and let’s just call it the Wendy Way!


What do you do? Have you ever taken a deeper look into the patterns in your blessed life to find the greater meaning of your soul purpose? Please feel free to write on my this blog! Tell your story!

Wendy Chaffin, 2024


Miraculous Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael called to me and inspired the following message:

I Am the fire in your belly.

I Am the passion in your breath and voice.

I inspire you to heal, grow and assert yourself.

I will guard your loving essence and empower you to BE who You Are.

I will activate the bright light that is in and around you.

Sit with me upon the Sun-lit throne of your deep Presence.

Emanate Awareness of your Divinity.

You Are a beacon of Love and Soul-knowing.

Everything about you matters.

With a wide-open heart, and open wings to soar,

Whatever needs to be done that is essential on your soul journey, I will be there with you every step as you follow it through to completion.

I was there then, and I Am with you now.

Together we serve the miraculous freedom of Love.

Raise your chest up as the Heart Shield that it is.

Allow this for the sake of the Ascension of the Earth.

Together, there is nothing we can’t do.

We Are One and 

We Will.



Archangel Michael encourages you to activate your personal beauty and power. Feel your self-worth. Immerse yourself in your intense passion to reveal hidden balance, calm and wisdom. Rejoice in your talents and skills and your ability to share them with others. Contribute for the good of all.



Wendy Chaffin 7/2024

Archangel Michael Art Print by Lucinda Rae


Love, love, love…

Love raises the consciousness levels of every single soul.

Love gives access to the Highest Wisdom at Universal and Omni-versal levels.

The Spiritual Heart has the will and purpose of Divine Love, Oneness and Unity.

The Higher Spiritual Heart is One with the Higher Soul Self and together they form a state of consciousness that is Pure Unconditional Love.

Pure Unconditional Love transcends all ego.

It is when one is in a pure state of consciousness, knowledge is transmitted through the soul into form in loving, co-creative ways (embodied Love).

In the Highest State of Love, the soul merges with the Monad (the part of you that is a part of Source) and the Monad merges fully with Divine Source (all Monads becoming ONE).

All that is created is ONE with All That Is and its very essence is Love.

Love holds Divine Consciousness.

Divine Love is conscious of itself. All Divinity reflects Divinity.


A summary and adaptation of Judith Kusel’s channeling of Lord Melchizedek


Divine Love is in all that you see, know and experience, reflecting back to you…



Melchizedek, High Priest, and his order assist the earth through the ascension process, so that everyone and everything is in a state of love and harmony. He recognizes that you are spiritually advancing and can focus in a new way to offer greater light to the world. Connect with their light of love and wisdom in your meditations.

Walk the steps of the Chakana Cross of the Andean People of South America and progress from matter to spirit. This Shaman’s journey holds you in the present moment, so you can visualize the past, present, and the future as holographic and whole. You are multidimensional in a state of constant change, yet perfect in every way.

To create and maintain a Higher Spiritual level of life you draw love and fulfilment from a nurturing environment. Always find people you can enjoy being with and find pleasure in the beauty of Earth around you. Lasting fulfilment comes from accepting other living beings and enjoying their offerings without the need to change or alter them. Accept the authentic aspects of yourself and others by doing things that bring you into contact with beauty. Breathe in the goodness that surrounds you and nourish your soul.

Wendy Chaffin 6/2024


The New You Emerging!

Our planet is rising in vibration faster than ever, creating great healing boosts!

It’s as if old frozen, stuck, patterns are melting away! Opportunities arise, stirring new thoughts, ideas and actions. You are ready to define your new self.

If you find yourself expressing old patterns, remind yourself of your true essence and gently sort out the thoughts, feelings, and actions that are not congruent with you. 

Expand into the future straight from the present moment! Be aware! Study and explore life from your new perspective. Your old fears may not have the hold on you as they once had. Thoughts come and go more quickly. There seems to be a space open now for new discovery. 

Be it! Enjoy it! Love your presence! Say thank you to yourself. You’ve come a long way!

For those of you I haven’t seen or talked to while you’ve been busy working very hard on your inner-self, I would love to be of assistance and reflect back to you the New You emerging! You are most likely ready for the next Reiki level, or would glean from a closer, more refined look into the wisdom of your chakras including the transpersonals!

Call or text for a session. Not only does my spirit miss our sweet connection, we have important, spiritual endeavors to experience together and imbue with joy!


Enjoy communicating with your amazing Higher Self! Dive deep, and leap high like the whale! Embrace wisdom, happiness, and spiritual awakening. With a radiance of Big Love, you are amazed at what you are manifesting now and what you will continue to manifest.

Wendy Chaffin 5/2024

Artwork by Meenal Acharya, “Happiness”


The Dark Void, Solar Eclipse

Before, during and around April’s Solar Eclipse of 2024, you may experience conscious thoughts and emotions from your yesterdays, flashbacks, events, or interactions that trigger vulnerabilities, dramas and patterns that do not serve your tomorrow. Imagine dropping them right into the dark void of the eclipse. Rewrite your story to unlock its hidden potential. Bless this opportunity to forgive and bless the past. Darkness gives way to the light. 

It’s time to disengage from outgrown, restrictive roles, relationships, and ways of living. Old collective, global and personal frameworks fall. It is time to build using new ideas, opportunities and technology of the future. 

Good news! A magical astrological alignment that will occur only once in our lifetime will happen in the last week of April (Jupiter conjuncts Uranus in Taurus). The alignment brings encouragement to feel that things are moving in a well-deserved, brand new, positive direction. For some, it comes easy and for others, it may take a little effort to allow it into their lives.

Rare Comet Action During the Solar Eclipse!

During the Solar Eclipse, a green comet appears in the night sky. 

Astrologer, Pam Younghans, shares significant, happy news:

Comet Pons-Brooks is growing brighter in the sky, and will soon be passing by Jupiter (on April 12). Revelations, innovative ideas, and higher wisdom are the gifts we receive from comets. Their appearance also corresponds with events that bring up unconscious thoughts, beliefs, memories, and emotions, so that we might process and release them.

This icy, solar system object bears the names of two of the most renowned comet hunters of all time, Jean-Louis Pons (1761-1831) and William R. Brooks (1844-1921). It shows off sudden flare-ups in brightness. Featured in the photo is the light-blue stream ion tail which consists of charged molecules pushed away from the comet’s nucleus by solar wind. It has an orbital period of roughly 71 years. The next time it will be seen will be in 2095. It was first discovered in 1395. 


Sulis, Celtic Goddess of the Sun, reminds you to let go of everything. Seek only light, health and wholeness. 

The Kabbalistic Sefirot formation message also encourages freeing yourself from unnecessary burdens. Weed out trouble spots in your life. 

Archangel Metatron who has a seat very close to God/Goddess wishes you to be still and meditate on your own innate wisdom. His help will be granted when you ask.

You are now able to move deeper through the Akashic Records into a Higher Self Awareness. Sort through the insights you are receiving about the many lives and lessons you’ve experienced. Your heightened intuition at this time will help you with a Greater Self-Creation of unlimited potential and possibility.

Wendy Chaffin 4/2024 



In What Way Do You Express Your Spiritual Fire?

How do you take action with the Spiritual Fire within you?

Close your eyes. Breathe deeply. Awaken more light within you. Let it expand from your heart like a flame bursting 🔥 and growing. You become the flame – the flame of inspiration. Pay attention to the color of your flame. What does that color mean to you? What insights are you receiving? How do you feel in your flame?

Ways you may express yourself:

*You feel bright, happy and enthusiastic. Others see you as an energetic ball of sunshine.

*You are vibrant, purposeful, active and inspired. You are dedicated and driven to take action. Gotta go! You’ve got things to do!

*You are in awe of the beauty in the world around you. It is alive. You sense sparkly, mystical and magical with many iridescent colors. 

*Perhaps your light is a soft, warm glow that is cuddly, grounding, compassionate, physically safe and reassuring to yourself and others. Openly talking with another lights your hearth and theirs.

*Your light may emanate intermittent waves and flashes of insightful, intuitive thoughts and Higher Divine guidance.

*Your creativity has no bounds. You feel the muse and engage yourself fully.

*You experience a deep passionate feeling of appreciation and gratitude. You recognize the majesty, the mystery, the beauty within yourself, others, and the world around you. 

*Your heart feels like it’s bursting with Love to share with the whole world.

*Your devotion to Spirit grows as you are entranced by Higher Love.

All expressions have purpose and meaning. Which ones suit you best in the right moment and place?

You Are a Flame of Inspiration, So Be It!


Passion burns brightly to nurture self, others and projects. Use your unique combination of skills, gifts and life experience. Trust your feelings, thoughts and visions. Know when to act and when to assert yourself. Invoke from your inner sense of authority.

Wendy Chaffin 3/2024