Sacred Discoveries


Our Divine Reflection ~ Messages From My Clients

Pure Magic ✨

The relationships I have with my clients mean the world to me. As we collaborate, we reflect back our Divinity to each other. With every exploration and realization, our energy is uplifted and amplified. The reflection of Omnipresence is humbling and beautiful. 

I had a strong desire to honor this experience, but found it hard to dig up the words, so I “phoned a friend” so to say. Here are some of the elevating words that I heard expressed from my posse of peeps (clients and friends) that have delighted me throughout the years. Thank you, thank you, thank you … my heart is overfilled with joy! I can honestly say that the below statements are exactly my thoughts and feelings toward you as well. What a blessing to teach, share and celebrate these messages that affirm my practice has such powerful effects:

~I learned how to feel and sense my heart essence throughout my whole energetic system. Together we bridge the connection between Earth and Cosmos, a profound experience became natural. 

~I felt validated that there are higher dimensional planes of existence other than just the 3rd dimensional Earth plane I was indoctrinated into. 

~I know I can manifest anything I want if I trust and allow it. You introduced me to the flow of abundance that is love, and you ride that current with me. 

~I am gratefully aware now that I have angels, guardians and guides to assist me along the way. 

~I learned the profound truth that my ancestors and guardians are parts of me. 

~Our meeting is a Divine intervention. Our souls are drawn together. 

~I was led to my joyous soul tribe. 

~I practiced feeling the presence of the Divine with you, then went on to experience this on my own in my life. 

~You take time to allow my process and make sure I leave feeling lighter, at peace with myself, complete and enthusiastic when I leave.

~I have a different perspective on the various aspects of my life. I’m more aware of how my choices impact outcomes. 

~You steered me to “read” for you unveiling my own gifts. I know now that spirit conveys messages through me. 

~The sessions helped me feel calm, clear and certain. I know that whatever is next, I will be more than ok.

~I was comforted with loving wings wrapped around me. You called that into our session. I learned I can call it into my life. 

~I noticed the elements and nature responding to a few of our beginning sessions. A storm came. Rain and lightning occurred to validate my awakening. 

~Powerful astrological influences were apparent at the time of my sessions. 

~It makes me happy and it’s fun to be able to connect with a fairy-like kindred spirit like my own. Our souls relate to our ancient healer and wise woman ways. Together we are normal in a crazy world. 

~All facets of me have been honored in our sessions including my feelings; my trials, tribulations and traumas of life; and especially my spiritual side. I could be myself completely. I am safe, accepted, understood, and supported. A new light is brought to the surface from a metaphysical perspective. I see things from the light of possibility, rather from the darkness and limited perspective I felt under. 

~You follow up to make sure that I get where I want to be. You are dedicated and devoted to my path. 

~You are the only one I could be this open with. I’m grateful for your authenticity and courage to reveal yourself as well. You are my spirit friend.

~I was reminded of my growth. I have come so far. I now see myself differently. 

~I learned to rephrase negative thoughts and spoken phrases into the positive. You said “Just Be” in the present where wholeness and health is. This stuck with me.

~Your intuitive touch calmed me. 

~Your giggle and teaching style is playful. You have me healing with laughter. 

~We understand each other’s language and communicate on a deeper level. We can find subtle humor in the absurd and mundane in life.

~You encourage me to be my best self. The trust, safety, and comfort established in our sessions allows me to see the best in myself. I am opening up to my pure potential.

~I recognize that everyone is a multidimensional being. We ARE the ancestors with wisdom, karmic stories, and lessons. We are all much bigger than we usually acknowledge in our daily 3-D interactions.

~I am living my life exactly how I want it. I assert myself. I speak, live and make decisions based on my higher truth. What I think and feel is important. I matter. 

Special thank you to the sweet, beautiful beings below and the many magnificent clients, friends, students, wise ones, for sharing your journey with me. Our collaboration is so valuable and meaningful for all of us: 

Debbie Stacey, Linda Krokenberger, Diane Besemer, Jenifer Gaudren, Sophia Ekwosi, Jean Mannerud, Isabela Rodriguez, Daniela Stevenson, Melissa Cota, Carla Hurtado, Matt Schraner, Michelle Navickas

Wendy Chaffin 9/2024

4 replies on “Our Divine Reflection ~ Messages From My Clients”

I just want to add to the list of people you published in your recent article,
That I really enjoy your insight and humble wisdom dear friend 😘

The minute I met Wendy I felt a very strong kinship to her. She has helped me understand many shifts in my life and where I need to focus my attention and where I just need to trust the process. She is more than a friend and counselor, she is family! I’m so grateful for our time together and her wise wisdom in this multidimensional world! Thank youuuu!

I appreciate your beautiful heart, AnnaMaria. You are so innately wise. I enjoy the great lessons you reflect back to me! We are members of a spiritual family in the Light of Love. I cherish you!

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