Sacred Discoveries


What I Do Is A Lot on My Soul Journey

I Do It the Wendy Way

We are always asked throughout our lives, “What do you do?” For me the answer is deep, so I choose to say, “I am a Spiritual Counselor/Teacher and Energy Healer” and skip the long profound explanation. But today I choose to answer with more details. I have recently been blessed with an epiphany that I am loved even more than I realized! That realization has led to an awakening of greater love for my soul journey and purpose. It gives me great joy to summarize it today. What “I do” is innate. Since I was very young I played with and learned from my invisible childhood spirit friends. It took my whole life to recognize their value and purpose in a 3rd dimensional world. Understanding the worlds beyond the 3rd dimension of order, rules and drama has been a journey of both deep pain and bliss. I was drawn to the higher dimensions of lights, color and love essence and continue the never-ending quest to understand this BIG LOVE I sensed as a child. 

I naturally synthesize esoteric and etheric knowledge and practices by communicating, sharing, facilitating and teaching, raising vibration, and enjoying it with others with my readings and channeling. My gifts of clairvoyance have become unbounded through the years.

With focused awareness: I blend into many energy fields; male and female universal vibrations; dimensions including human and non human auras; higher vibrational beings, and guardians that assist me and others. My genius is to delve deeply into the subtleties that exist in loving and kind willing adults because this brings such beautiful fulfilment in my life. I see what makes a person separate and what makes each person part of a spiritual whole (Oneness). I pay attention to the intuitive insights that channel through me, and carefully share this information. I link the larger picture of astrological alignments and patterns to mind, body, and spirit experiences. I meditate in the akashic records, a place of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent to ever have occurred in the past, present, or future in all entities and life forms, not just human. I look for patterns that people repeat to assist them with greater lessons of love to create an empowered lifetime. I blend energetically into plants, trees, flowers, insects, animals, birds, soil, stones, etc. to gain wisdom and healing from each that I believe come from many places in the galactic universe. I blend energetically into the elements of fire, water, air and earth, as well as the highest spiritual realms, and the soul realms (above and below) for unity and assistance is creating a safe space to connect freely. I learned about the magnificence of the transpersonal higher realms and the lower basic realms in each of our chakra energy systems. I watch for soul patterns from other lifetimes occurring in the past, present and future all at once. I interpret the vibrations that I feel and sense in others’ light body systems by blending into them energetically to check for imbalances and life lessons. 

I am a practiced Celtic High Priestess of over 20 years which includes shamanic healing and teaching of the 13 Sacred Divine Feminine Pathways. I am a Reiki/Kauna Reiki Master since 1996. I have performed well over a thousand attunements and have worked with many dedicated life-long students. I committed to a 6 year Qabalah immersion study that still resonates through my life many years later. I train my gifted clients, students and friends to meditate and listen to their own intuition in their own unique way.

Spirit has sent me a safe network of lovely people through the years to connect with, so that I can continually grow and learn. Each person I connect with reflects back to me different insights and awareness that I absorb and cherish. Divine Love is the vibrational driving force in all that I do. Love continues to humble me, expand me, and nurture my existence. I have faith and trust in this pathway. I will share all my gifts in right-timing and transfer as much knowledge to others at the level of vibrational awareness essential for appropriate growth for their Highest and Greatest Good. The more I share my authentic self, the more my clients will do the same.

I am always open to receive the greater gifts I am offered through you and your reflections and I thank you now and forever for that. I have always known that I am a child of the universe always ready to play! Thank you for playing with me!

So now that you have read the above, forget all that and let’s just call it the Wendy Way! 

What do you do? Have you ever taken a deeper look into the patterns in your blessed life to find the greater meaning of your soul purpose? Please feel free to write on my this blog! Tell your story!

Here is Liz’s Story:

Liz’s Restoration


When my client, Liz Avian, commits to something it’s because her razor sharp vision sees and feels its greater magnificence. I am grateful to be a special someone that Liz loves and invests her time into. She touched my heart and my life with beauty as she does with so many people the first day they meet her. Liz is one of the most generous heart centered Earth Angels I’ve ever encountered in my career. 


Liz sends me her heart wrenching picture of defeat, but I see a different story. Among her many evolved talents, she pours herself into restoring historical properties. She follows it through to completion with her heart light fully engaged with undoubtable “blood, sweat and tears”. Whether there is great profit or not, the home becomes a redesigned sacred hearth. This time she repeatedly isolated herself in her childhood home in Ohio for over 2 years flying back and forth away from her best friend and husband and her home in California (another fabulous story of great accomplishment for another time). 


Liz writes to me:


“So what the heck am I doing? I just asked myself this question in a fit of existential angst yesterday, after listing my 2 year project home for sale:


Is life good? Is this how it’s supposed to be?


I’ve just put my childhood home on the market after spending two years pouring my heart and soul into rehabilitating this century home built in 1920 that defies change. While it’s a progession to the next step, it feels like the cold dead exhaustion of post-partum depression. If you could see it through my eyes, its color is emptiness.


The activity is over. The colors of creativity are gone. It is now a still life. 


Is this what I planned to do with my life? Is this all the meaning there is? What colors have I chosen to fill between the lines of here and gone? I use my talents, I design things, I put things back together. Talents are gifts, but without hard work, talent is only a seed, a speck of potential, or a flick of dung. Who can tell the difference until there’s growth? 


Steadfast focus on producing this baby at the expense of all normal standards of living have proven that friendships are ephemeral, and family will abandon you. You’ve become officially boring. No one cares. My brain lies to me that it’s all worthwhile. Like skipping rocks on the water or jumping from boulder to boulder over a breakwater at sea. The changes I made are boastful liars. You are no better because you’ve gotten to a different position, or better at jumping, or finished your most challenging remodel. You just see more truth for what it is and have avoided falling into the crevasses. For now. So far. 


I fall sentimentally in love with what I create and then … sell it. Attachments break your heart when you understand the story your heart has made up to keep you going. 


I’d be lying to say I measure success by creative integrity … It’s about bending what I do for myself to meet the needs of others. It’s about becoming truer to myself and convincing you that it’s new, it’s different, it’s better so you, too, can embrace my truth. Perhaps I am just another boulder at sea, a slip away from the last footprint, planting another step in the path of human creativity, invention, and beauty.”


Here is Liz’s lesson that you may find useful to recognize your soul journey when it is difficult:


When everything seems dead, there’s still life. The fruit is not on the vine it’s in your basket! Stop picking on your soul purpose! Sometimes your soul urges you into circumstances that seem to “break you” and you can’t help but to ride out its relentless drive to keep you going. These urges can become THE blessed lessons that transform you. Be in gratitude for these moments of depth and purpose. Eventually, you awaken with the awareness of your intangible inner abundance

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