In these times of global turmoil, stirring up fears in the collective consciousness of our planet, I feel a pull to be immersed in Aquarian Luminous Energy with the back drop of Piscean Omnipresence. I asked the Sacred Masters to impress a message through me to share about it:
The Divine Light speaks subtly through your words and actions.
This is time of learning and instantaneous healing.
Activate The One Mind and observe your connection to all around you. The multiple beings of light are familiar parts and pieces of you. They surround, fill, and support you. They guide you to your Higher Purpose which is to Serve in creating the coming age of peace.
Be aware that you are immersed in The Oneness. The expression of Spirit downloads the fullness of Joy through you, bringing a blessing to all.
Continually Re-Joy!
Return, remember, reset, reboot, and rejoice!
The storm charges you with inspirational energy for renewal. Truth is being revealed as downloads into your mind. Feel the surge of energy into your heart. Become aware of where your heart wants to lead you.
Wendy Chaffin 2/2024