Sacred Discoveries


Reed, Reed, Reed.

Everyone gets so nervous when it’s Reed Moon. It is good to know that when you face your fears and move through them, the other side is light, airy, fresh and new. Your heart pumps and your knees are knocking, but when it’s over, your soul sings! Some people have episodes throughout the entire moon month and others have a build up throughout to one big event at the end. It feels like a death experience and then a rebirth. If you are ready and willing, Reed Mother works with you. Just don’t go against her.

5 replies on “Reed, Reed, Reed.”

THE KIDS!!! I keep throwing them in purple bonfires and clearing them repeatedly – and the messages they are sending! I feel like my house is on fire, and I can see all the causes of the fires but it doesn’t matter what I know about them and what I’m learning about how to avoid them, what matters is that there are fires and they need to be put out!. Well, in reality I’ve been adding gasoline to the flames, and letting it burn – I’ll nap and deal with what remains standing when I’m refreshed.

I’m excited about Reed Moon this year 🙂

Which fear will Reed Mother let me face? I can think of a few, and am setting the energy consciously now for the ability to learn my lessons with ease and grace.

Are there any physical aspects to Reed? I am experiencing extreme fatigue. It’s not sleep deprivation. I’ve been eating lots of fresh foods with high iron (just had a baby and sometimes get anemic). Today, I just HAD to sleep, and my arms felt heavy… I even took a high quality vitamin. Can I blame Reed for this?

Sure! Reed is all about your Soul journey and well, your journey is in a body and right here on our gravity pulling earth. Perhaps you have come to an ending of an old way of thinking or behaving and some aspect of your SEMPES (Spirit, Emotions, Mind, Physical world, Ego, Soul) is having a “death” experience. You may be readying yourself for the new. Also, it is a dark,new moon time. We energize up as the moon gets more full. It’s usually sleepy time just before the new moon and after it. Dreamtime is a great way to get in touch with your subconscious preparing it for new awakenings. The Guardians love to connect in our dreams! The Soul vibration is creative and at times like a dark void until, in right timing, you are ready to act.

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