Happy New Year 2025! 2+0+2+5 equals 9. The 9 year marks a time of completion. You’re now ready for closure after working hard learning, processing, and having your patience tested. You will overcome obstacles and go beyond your limits this year!
Here’s a simple look at the 9th sephirah, Yesod, of the Kabalistic Tree of Life. What does it mean and how does it relate to your life? The Tree of Life is a map of the Universe that shows how everything is interconnected. You are the Divine Human Being that stands at the center. Yesod (Foundation) is located near the base like a vehicle that allows movement from one thing to another. It serves as the foundation for our actions and emotions. It represents the power of connection and our ability to form meaningful relationships with others and the Divine. In Yesod, the soul has the power to contact, connect, and communicate with outer reality, grounding your union with the earth. It is the bridge to manifestation (the 10th sephirah, Malkuth). Face and wrap up difficulties with spiritual maturity. You have the know-how to create the life you have always dreamed of.
Call in Archangel Gabriel to assist you this year by helping you connect to God/Goddess and to rely on your faith to engage in important, positive, creative, transitional wrap-ups in your life. Be open to more than you ever imagined.
Astrology 2025
2025 is not just another year! It is the start of a completely new era with themes of service, compassion, and integration. These astrological energy changes will have an even greater impact if personally discovered and seized. Also, collective hope may be inspired and offer visions of healing and practical solutions for fixing what is broken in politics, entertainment, and media.
Biggies this year – outer planets changing signs, and powerful aspects:
- The Lunar Nodes: North to Pisces, South to Virgo (January 2025)
- Neptune enters Aries (March 2025)
- Saturn enters Aries (May 2025)
- Jupiter enters Cancer (June 2025)
- Uranus enters Gemini (July 2025)
- Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto connect through a Minor Triangle, a rare a and powerful configuration (August – December 2025)
- A “dreams come true” aspect: exalted Jupiter forming trines with both Saturn and Neptune (October -December 2025)
Wendy Chaffin 1/2025