Through Contraction & Expansion
Turn off your phone, TV, and computer. BE still in every way. Let your mind be blank and let go. Breathe slowly and contract your energy inward to enter Sacred Silence. Go to a place of deep, soulful, inner knowing as you rest and heal. Create a sanctuary where you can search for the meaning of life, experience the gifts of your intuition, clairvoyance, and clairaudience, and receive loving, spiritual assistance. In Sacred Silence, you can rely on Higher Wisdom instead of your logical mind’s reasoning.
After an hour, a day, or multiple days (lucky you), expand your energy like a blooming flower. Then, release it into your life. Trust in possibility. Open up with new, creative, big ideas and speak out about them. Focus on the positive, and enjoy humor and laughter. Energize and exercise. BE fulfilled, happy, and passionate. If you can take in even more joy, then call in Unicorn Multidimensional, Shimmering Light to accompany you in all that you do! Imagine. Connect. Experience. You may be surprised by the results!
Find time to be alone and still. Be patient with yourself as you release your ego restrictions. Enter Sacred Silence by letting go long enough to feel peace. Feel, see, hear, smell, know…
Connect with Divine Consciousness. Breathe deeply. Move away from the concept of duality as you visualize what unity will look like as humanity evolves into the experience of Universal Oneness. To assist you, meditate on the geometric shape, the dodecahedron that holds cosmic wisdom. It embodies Divine Thought and Life Force Energy.
You become the way-shower, a beacon of light that illuminates the path for others. You foster hope and awaken gifts, qualities, and hidden possibilities in those around you.
Wendy Chaffin 12/2024