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New Decade, 2020 -The Emperor

I really enjoyed the slow manifesting progression of 2019’s Empress vibration. I felt I could leave it all up to Her to guide me gently as I opened up to the new balance I had been hoping for in 2018. That year was tough for many and showed us what we we’re ready for. We accomplished a new sense of self in 2019 and now we are ready for 2020. Here are some of the insights I have for 2020:

This 2020 adds to a 4, the Emperor. It is now His turn to inspire us into action. The Empress nurtured us into readiness by containing and setting us up for fulfillment that will now require our personal action to blossom in 2020.

We always start the year with manifestation goals and anticipation of greatness. Remember the new year is a time to conceptualize, not run out in an impatient rush, or drive yourself crazy feeling lazy and unproductive. Taking time to process without anxiety may be a challenge in this new Emperor year. When Springtime arrives, we will be more prepared for action. Be gentle with yourself and others.

With the double energy of the High Priestess (two 2’s in 2020), we will open up throughout the year to more Higher Conscious insights regarding what our truth is and what to do with it!

Saturn will leap into Aquarius after a long run with Capricorn. This served our purpose as we needed the discipline to find our new sense of self. Saturn’s hard work mixed with Aquarius’ need for Higher Conscious expansion in the Spring can be pretty cool on both a personal level and for our collective consciousness. Why not work hard at being more open-minded? As an Aquarius sun and moon, I say, “Yay!”

Wendy Chaffin
Newsletter for January 2020

Entering the
New Year
No doubt, the end of 2019 and entering into 2020 was a wild ride of conflicts and crises, thinking and rethinking, letting go of old stories and welcoming the new…. It was described as a rare, astrological, peak point in time to wrap up 35 years of past lessons and accomplishments helping us to see our readiness for a new start. It was also described as a tornado, a power hit, a time of chaos. Whatever it was, embrace the magic of renewal. It will continue its magic for up to 6 months. Might as well love it.

It was certainly not what we are used to experiencing at the New Year when we typically celebrate and party. There was a serious, even stern tone at times. Hopefully, you found time to rest, dream and set positive intentions for the New Year and the New Decade. If you haven’t done this yet, now is a great time to do so! It’s not too late.

Wendy Chaffin
Newsletter for January/February 2020

Your Light is Reborn! Winter Solstice December 21

Right before Christmas, every year, we have our Winter Solstice rebirth into the Light. After slow, quiet, inward healing, embracing darkness, we can celebrate the turning point where we will begin to get a little more light each day. Hopefully you had a chance to take time to process your year and take stock of your lessons or jewels of insight and great manifestations. It’s important to honor your growth with gratitude. Let go to the light of love and let yourself shine.
At Winter Solstice, light a white candle to honor your own Purest, Divine Light knowing that it will expand and reveal many beautiful new insights and manifestations during this new decade ahead.
Wendy Chaffin