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Twelve Ways You Know You are Divinely Guided

Twelve ways that prove that you are guided, protected, nurtured, loved and creating with Divine Source working through you:

1.  If you follow inner guidance to show your true self to the world, things magically work out for your Highest Good.

2.  Resources you need for your soul purpose are always available in right timing.

3.  When you speak, write, or demonstrate your truth, it is made manifest.

4.  Find your home within and you are always home wherever you are.

5.  Creative ideas are channeled through you with an energy of its own.

6.  Inspired acts of service bring abundance on many levels to you.

7.  Your relationships reflect your thoughts and feelings about your relationship with Source.

8.  Transformation and change, although seemingly difficult, ends with a smile and a wink from Spirit.

9.  Quiet and still physical, emotional, and mental moments are profound intuitive, active moments with God/Goddess.

10. You are loving your work and recognize the joy of your service whether seemingly simple or complex.

11. Like-minded individuals network with you as you inspire and be inspired.

12. You learn that by loving yourself and others you rise above previous problems freeing yourself to live in the Higher Light of your Divine Self.


Tell me what you think?  Can I clarify any of my 12 Ways for you?  Which ones do you relate to the most right now?

Wendy Chaffin
