Sacred Discoveries

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St. Peter, “Faith like a Rock” A Metaphysical Perspective


Recently, I sat in a personal meditation to uncover  more awareness regarding FAITH.  Much to my surprise I was introduced to St. Peter.  I felt as if I was an old monk with a wooden cross around my neck. I quietly asked, “Who is speaking?” and heard, “St. Peter”.  I had never put much thought to this being who once walked this earth other than he was one of Jesus’ apostles!


I channeled lovely information regarding devotion and self forgiveness.  He reminded me that he too was here to assist others with an open heart of faith. Later I  researched him and came to realize that his name that Jesus gave him, Cephas, was the Greek word for, “rock” .  St. Peter was literally Jesus’ rock.  This represents faith in God, strong, unwavering, and enduring. This faith was a necessary foundation for the building up of spiritual consciousness, the Christ Consciousness within us or the church of Christ within us.


Peter was unsteady at first.  He fluctuated from High Spiritual to the material and intellect, yet with an ever recurring desire for Spirit’s light and love.  Peter Mastered Faith turning lead into Light.  He understood that the material realm is made of the Light of Heaven.  Faith being the Key to Heaven’s Doorway.


To walk on the water of troubled thought without sinking requires established Faith.

Those that look right through the apparent hardships of their earthly environment and declare them spiritual, heaven will unearth, rearrange with freedom and love, a new reality.


Thank you, St. Peter.  I feel blessed by your message to no longer be a slave to the mind.  Command it to be still and know that Heaven and Earth are One as Spirit and I are One.

Wendy Chaffin  9/2013


The Soul Guardian – Cerridwen

The Soul Guardian, Cerridwen is the mother of both light and darkness.  In a short channeling with her, I gleaned transformative insights, “Do not fear me,” she says. “For you too are the embodiment of all there IS.  Recognize me in all that you are and resist not the temptation to be your true self  by honoring your deepest feelings.  As the scorpion stings in its defense, you too fight for your soul’s survival. Let your instincts guide you and I bless you as you take the chances and opportunities as they become available.  Well done, and into the light of your transformation!”


Cerridwen stirs my energy field and awakens my sense of urgency to BE what I need to be!  Thank you, Soul Guardian for the reminder of the power that lies within us that can not be ignored. Ceridwen is a guardian of the below portal of energy.


Wendy Chaffin 7/2014


How to Meditate

Practice each day, if possible at the same time and same place for awhile until you feel like you’ve got it.

Set an intention to be surrounded in love and peace 
Sit up.
Breathe normally.
Be aware of your inhalation and exhalation.
Notice your thoughts..

Your thoughts are not a failure in the meditation process.Watch your thoughts and emotions that come up. This is a meditation too!
Bring yourself back to focusing on your breath for about a minute.
Repeat as often as needed without punishing or condemning yourself.
The minds natural clarity is never interrupted.
This is mindful meditation.
Once you have bypassed thoughts more regularly, look behind the mind’s eye and notice:
how you feel throughout your body, around your body,
the colors or swirls,
the geometric  shapes,
the pictures fully formed or half formed, add thoughts of what they might be, in color or not, a flash or like a movie screen,
the sounds: voices, yours or someone else, tones, music, lyrics,
and pay attention to what you know and again what you think.
Every thought, every picture, sound, word, feeling is important.
Be aware of everything! Let the sounds around you, planes flying above, noises in nature or in your home, tummy gurgles or pains in the body, voices nearby, even loud banging, drop you deeper into yourself.  Let it be a signal to go even deeper.
Did you make it up?
If you have gotten passed the ego’s sabotage of your spirit meditation, you can be sure that you are now creating with your Higher Self.
How do you know? 
You feel good and you feel balanced and peaceful even when you are pondering difficult thoughts or experiences.  You will stay connected to your Higher Self.  You will like the feeling and maintain the connection.
Getting Answers
You can even ask yourself questions. Some people would rather ask a guardian.  Either way your intention is to connect with a Higher Voice that comes from within.  The Guardians connect within and through you.
Wendy Chaffin

Year 2014 – The Seven Year


 2014 -The Seven Year!


      I am very excited about this year.  If you add up the 2, the 0, the 1, and the 4, you get a 7.   Seven is a lovely, graceful number.  It is all about the sacred.  It is the beautiful oneness of all things.  With the seven we are connected and harmonizing with each other and the world.  But, we have to activate the Law of Attraction here.  That means if you want to be in harmony and have the beautiful balanced  life you have always dreamed of, then you must watch your words, your thoughts, your feelings and actions.  They create your reality.  Come on, Lightworkers!  Haven’t you been practicing this for awhile?  It’s time to live it out and for a year of mastery.  Make your peace dreams happen for yourself and others.  Mother earth needs us now.  Our families need us as role models, leaders, harmonizers.  One catch, with positive seven you have grace, beauty and balance, but with negative seven, you feel shut down, mistrustful, over indulgent, even lazy.

     Trust is the key word here.  Go inside and believe in your Divinity.  Know what you desire.  See and feel the blessings of beauty within you, the oneness with all things, the subtle and the mystery that links you with the essence of who you really are.  Trust that everything happening to you is for a positive reason, for your highest growth and in it’s right timing.  Believe you have the power as you are linked to an unlimited force!


Wendy Chaffin
