Sacred Discoveries


Grapevine is a time of celebration.

Grapevine is a time of celebration. It is the culmination of all your hard work. Dance, play and enjoy as you remember how far you’ve come. Taste the sweetness of the ripened fruits of your creations. Stay out of lack thoughts and recalibrate yourself to gratitude!

What are you grateful for?

2 replies on “Grapevine is a time of celebration.”

I’m really glad to see that this moon is about being grateful. I currently have a friend that is in a coma and she is not doing well. I went to see her and her family yesterday and tried to bring all the positive energy I could. I did some Reiki for my friend and prayed for her family. It has been hard to feel grateful and not to feel the desperation that is surrounding this situation. I am grateful that I had the chance to be there and let her family know that I love her and am here for them. This moon helps give me more optimism about how things could turn and how grateful we all would be for her recovery.

Thank you Wendy for always knowing when to inject good thoughts back into my life! I appreciate your emails. I’m grateful for you. 🙂

Thank you so much for sharing your story with us, Megan. It touched my heart. Your friend in the coma is aware in spirit that you were there and your thoughts are with her.

Your sweet eyes always radiate such love and beauty. You are a blessing wherever you are. Thank YOU for being a blessing in my life.

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