Sacred Discoveries


Innate Wisdom Activation

With positive intention, brighten your whole body with special focus on your own Life Force Energy. Draw together all the disparate or contrasting parts of yourself for unification. Direct your intention to turn on your magical DNA. Open up to the multidimensional memories within you. Let Mother Earth birth a plethora of vibrations to blend with your own Creator knowledge. As you awaken, may the whole human race remember this magic with you.

A Sacred Discoveries Meditation

Innate Wisdom Activation, Channeled by Wendy

Musical Background: Forgotten Dreams ~ Tranquility: Reverie

With light-filled breathing open yourself to receive Great Love from the Universe at the top of your head. Feel Sacred Light moving down through your body and entering the earth. Repeat this cycle with each inward and outward breath.

Create in your mind’s eye clouds and clouds of memories in and out of the dimensions as they open up in front of you. You find your way through to a beautiful clearing of light and color. Place your hands on your Sacred Heart Portal. The Bright Light of Mother Earth’s Energy travels up your body from your feet. As this blissful energy meets in the heart, it feels loving, reassuring, and peaceful. She reminds you that together you will awaken your Higher Innate Wisdom. 

You are floating and drifting in the expanded energy of Heightened Spiritual Wisdom which encompasses all beings, all planets, all galaxies and beyond; the All and All There Is. Messages and frequencies are activated within you with a Higher Purpose; to awaken humanity with your presence. 

Soar in these energies even without true comprenhension. The more you focus on this feeling and intend to stay connected with your Innate Wisdom (which is whole and perfect), the more you will observe how wonderful each day becomes. New insights will be revealed. Maintain the simple awareness that you Are One with All.

And So It Is


Activate the Light Within You!


The Light of the Sun is within you.

You have a special talent.

All that is outside of you is within you. All human experience is generated from within.

And the Light you see outside of you is also within!

Compulsive reactions is the outside you.

When you focus on the perfection of the light inside you, there is nothing to fix outside of you.

Move beyond separation and polarities. Be in Union with All with joy and a pleasant heart.

Activate your will and You Are Awakened to this truth.

Who is responsible for the condition of your life? YOU!

With one moment of focus on the Light Within, there you can find the Divine All.

With awareness and effort, You Are the Light not the impressions of genetics, politics, memories and imaginations. 

Respond to your own Universal Life Force, the Light of Oneness Within You!

The flow of your destiny is created by you!

Use this meditation to align with your Light Consciousness:

Take a few deep breaths.

Then say, “I surround myself with the Light of Harmony and Balance, Wholeness and Health, Joy and Love.”

See and feel the “Sun” rising in all your cells.

Imagine in your mind’s eye from far out in the Universe, a loving, warm, Golden Light radiates and enters the top of your head into the crown, down into your heart, expanding very wide even through your arms and hands. Take a deep breath.

And now, imagine Magical Divine Light coming up through the depths of Mother Earth into your feet, up your legs, through the trunk of your body meeting the beautiful Golden Light in Your Heart. Deep breath.

Feel a new level of exuberance within and around you.

Know your Spiritual Heart beats Light out to the Earth and on outward to the Entire Universe.

So Be it.


Mother Mary, The Mother of All Mothers

Mother Mary will awaken your heart with sweet compassion, empathy, kindness, healing, and love for yourself and others. She IS beauty in all. With Her you are never alone, lost, or wanting. There is hope. She breathes peace into your days, hours and minutes. Simply ask and she gives. She gently guides you with the strength of Feminine, Intuitive Wisdom when you ask. She reminds you that abundance flows through you as your natural state of Being. All your Manifestations on your soul plan can be imbued with ease and grace, with respect and right timing. Think of Her and be fulfilled. Her expression is the ever flowing bounty of love. She is always receptive to you. She encourages allowing and acceptance. She reminds you that you Are One with Her and you Are filled with gentle compassion and great love.

Feel her in the magic of synchronicity, in a soft breeze, in the comfort of a good meal, in music, in laughter, in the beauty of your own smile and the smile of another. Be blessed by the softness or warmth of a kind touch from someone close to you as they channel Her love. She is everywhere around you and within you, waiting for you to notice Her.

You ARE Loved. 

Mother Mary, please, always remind me of your presence in my life. Open and awaken my heart wide to accept love and peace as my natural state of Being. Allow everyone who touches my life to be influenced in this way. I Am blessed by our Union. We Are ONE. 


Choosing Forgiveness

Recently, my experiences have percolated old memories with flash backs and old, repressed feelings I hoped had disappeared long ago. 

I attribute this deep immersive review to Mercury retrograde helping me recap, review and rework the past. Credit also goes to the last, fancy red, Full Moon, Solar Eclipse in Scorpio stimulating me to purge old, worn-out fears and release me to freedom. It’s been an uncomfortable wrap up for sure. I know a Solar Eclipse usually works on us for about six months (hang in there gang). I recognize the worst of it has been addressed (thank you, Mercury). I utilized my own counseling techniques on myself and I anticipate more practice in the months ahead. 

I’ve made the clear choice to forgive myself for remembering painful events, yet again. Remembering, forgiving and releasing can be powerful. I forgive and release myself from the burden of unhappy thoughts of the past, both real and imagined. Surprisingly, this time around, walking through the scary hurts (as I came through to the other side) felt like nothing at all. Whew! Actually, as I take a walk down memory lane, I’ve been discovering wisdom and acceptance that I’ve gained over the years. 

I forgive myself for having been disappointed, fearful, annoyed, helpless, ever so sad and negative! You see, I had to remember all those uncomfortable feelings and old mindsets! Blah!

I forgive, again, all those involved. I reviewed the crappy feeling of being lied to, ignored, unappreciated, scared and disrespected. This has helped me to identify areas of my life where I now choose to take better care of myself by setting and maintaining personal boundaries.

I also delved into compassion for all those people. They never really meant to be difficult. I unlocked my heart and felt their love and their pain. In my mind’s eye, I can see a new line in the sand. It’s a reminder to forget how it went down in the past, and to work together more effectively in the present.

Working together to me, in this case, means to be present. Be kind. Be an observer and a listener. Support, if reasonable, when asked, or if support is alluded to. Most of all, be encouraging. So many wonderful people have helped me be the person I am today by believing in me when I didn’t believe in myself. Share the magic. 

Below is a very purposeful Forgiveness Ritual from Don Miguel Ruiz, “The Mastery of Self”. Write it in a journal, or in the air, video record yourself reading it, or simply read and recite…

I ___________, am ready to forgive all those who inflicted pain and suffering on me in the past. I choose to forgive them, so that their actions of the past can no longer affect my present. My wish is to see them through eyes of unconditional love. I also forgive myself for anything and everything related to these events. I was doing my best at the time. I pray that these people and myself can experience only love and peace going forward.

Wendy Chaffin 5/2022


Is God Your Close Friend?

How do you see and feel God/Goddess? Is He/She one or more of the following: your Protector, Grantor of Wishes and Prayers, Divine Mother, Divine Father, the Archetype of Faith, the Healer of All Suffering, the Messenger or Bringer of Joy, Peace, Love and Enlightenment?

Recognizing your perspective can help you acknowledge your natural blessings already within you. Be there for yourself, and you’ll be so surprised at how Higher Spiritual Energies work within and through you. Shift your focus inward to your Essence of the Divine Within. 
Befriend your God Self. You’ll never be lonely or bored. You’ll always have great ideas and great manifestations. You will gracefully enlighten the world.

You are your own friend. You enjoy your own company and your thoughts. You honor your wants and needs and make them happen. You recognize the Divine Masculine traits in you: wisdom, focus, inspiration and action as well as your Divine Feminine: nurturing yourself and others, manifesting and creating your reality. You believe everything works out exactly the way it’s meant to for your own growth and awareness. You know that on the other side of fear, doubt, pain and darkness is trust, light, joy and love with one perspective shift. You love and allow your current experience, the present moment. It activates, releases and uplifts you in magical ways. 

Your spirit’s purpose is to facilitate and co-create with Mother Earth and God. When you accept that relationship with Divine Love, you become a channel for profound compassion, kindness, goodness, and non judgement.

Wendy Chaffin 3/2022

Lady Venus

Lady Venus’ love and beauty reflects your own. She is fertile with soulful creativity. She brings out your own inner harmony and the sweetness of life. Her love is abundant. She teaches how to give and receive love. She sees merit in all beautiful, artististic creations and honors your unique beauty. She is an intuitive mirror. She knows your needs and wants. She reminds you, whether you are male or female, you are of the essence of the Divine Mother. YOU are loving, sensual, exquisite and creative, and you have what it takes to bring forth harmony and beauty in the world.

Divine Lady Venus, please awaken in me all that YOU ARE. Assist me in knowing with all of my heart that I AM and radiate beautiful, peaceful love in the world.


The Wisdom of Discipline at the SEMPES Levels (revised)

Spiritual– I maintain focus on the fact that I am protected by the Light of the Divine. I Am Divine.  I Am Love. This awareness brings wonderful, loving experiences into my life, all for my Best and Highest Good. My Higher Self messages are simple, profound and easy for me to accept.

Emotional– I always iron out all emotional wrinkles. As the emotions come up, I look at them and understand why they came up if possible. If it is not clear, I give honor to each emotion. I express each emotion that needs expressing. I pay attention to when the ego tries to cover up the emotion. I may need acknowledgement by pampering myself and relaxing. My emotions speak to me feelings rather than in words.

Mental– I come to the place of No Mind. This trains my mind to stop when I recognize too much activity. Single focus meditation helps to achieve this state. I also train myself to stop immediately without allowing the thought to run through anymore. If it keeps coming, I take time to check in with my ego and emotions to see if there is some underlying message there. My mind and intuition work together in balance.

Physical– By maintaining focus on my breath, I pay more attention to my whole body. I sense the White Light of the Divine moving through me. I pay attention to any places in my body that feel uncomfortable or different. I ask my intuition to tell me the meaning. I pay attention to my own energy system. When I am experiencing someone else’s energy, I am alerted immediately and I respond by letting go. My physical reality is a reflection of what I have created in my world. I Am Creator and Manifestor.

Ego– I catch the ego before I react. If I am thinking angry or defensive words in my head with tension in my body, or I have the desire to hide and/or crumple up with pain in my body, or I think I am ugly, worthless or “not enough”, it is a sure sign the lower vibration of my ego has taken over. Usually at those times, my posture is “slumpy”. I recognize this immediately and change over to my heart’s truth.  I let go and do something to give love to myself. I talk kindly to myself while resting and breathing. I remind myself that I AM. This prayer is helpful:  The Light of the Divine surrounds me. The Love of the Divine unfolds me. The Power of the Divine flows through me. And wherever I Am, so Is the Divine, and I am Divine…All IS Well. I recognize that it is wonderful to be creative and talented in my own way. I share my bright essence with the world.

Soul– I live my life in my heart’s integrity. I live in balance knowing my heart’s truth sets me free.  I allow all experiences to show me the way to the Higher Vibrations of Living. I give honor to my life. I have faith in all things, people, circumstances, events, including myself and my life. I realize all are lessons to help me to see the purpose for living ~ to be a Light of Spirit in the world. My soul sings! I have a purpose! I am meant to be ME!

Wendy Chaffin 

Revised March 2022


Be Inspired by Your Zodiac and Moon Sign Elements!

Open yourself to your own Divine Light of Inspiration. Want it! Activate it! Live it! Be it!

You are a beautiful mixture of all the elements. Still, you may find useful new insights with the element specific ideas presented below. Start with your Sun sign and Moon sign, and/or mix and match the different elemental ways to be inspired!

Are you a Fire sign? Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Just start! Do it! Exercise! Go for a hike, a picnic, climb a mountain, visit places you haven’t been to in a while. Dance, sing, create. Break your routine by trying something you’ve never done before. Watch a great movie or a Ted Talk. Go on a discovery exploration. Video tape yourself in action and share it.

Are you a Water sign? Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces
Ponder, breathe, gently stretch, meditate and co-create with spirit. Go within to pull up soulful meaning for a vision board of pictures and words that depict the life you are creating. Blend with nature. Let different forms of art flow from you: writing, painting, music, poetry, etc. Find music, books, or quotes that lift your mood. Give yourself the care and time you need. Care for others in your own unique way.

Are you an Earth sign? Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Enjoy your home, yard, garage, car, and gadgets. Experiment with your materials. Shop for what’s missing in your collection. Be one with nature: the flowers, animals, birds and bees. Do some gardening. Exercise your body. Share a meal with family or go out with your favorite friend. Research the people who inspire you or the history of the people in your field of expertise. Ask someone what their greatest life lessons are.

Are you an Air sign? Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Go beyond the boundaries of your own knowledge and learn something new. Look it up online (you may use a few search engines to discover some different results), visit your local bookstore, or museum, any place to broaden your perspective. Jot down what you have collected or journal your findings. Read inspirational blogs, books, and articles. Watch a documentary. Delve into the classics. Talk with others who like to toss around ideas with you. Share what you have learned. Listen for the wisdom of the Universe channeling impressions through you, others, events, and circumstances.

Wendy Chaffin 4/2022


Switch on the Divine Light

The generous, abundant Divine Light is always available.

This last year has challenged everyone I know each in their own way. Stories have been shared of how it’s been hard to stay positive, hard to appreciate fully, hard to feel joy each day. As soon as you feel just right, another episode of “wake up and see a new view of ‘reality'” happens! 

Once again, it is time to cleanse your heart and mind!
Great Hope! These Spiritual Awakenings are cause for serious celebration! Have you noticed that once you become aware of something painful, that sensation seems to drop right off a little easier when you trust the awakening process? This is truly a great potential when you hold your thoughts and feelings toward Trust and Faith that Higher Vibrational shifts are occurring.
As energy pours through you and around our planet at a faster and faster rate, you are taking a tough look at things that were harder to look at in the past within yourself, your life, your community, and our world.
Celebrate this growth in awareness. The blessings are numerous as you grow in strength of intuition without veils and blocks. Clarity opens up making room for your right life and your right soul path. Bless your journey and others’ by “switching on” awareness of the Divine Light that you ARE. Bless your journey with appreciation of nature’s incredible mystery and magnificence. Everything on Earth has the potential to be a blessing even when it is hard to see.

Can you imagine every one of your chromosomes lit up with unlimited potential?

Turn on that switch to Perfect Health, Divine Order, Peace, Unity, and Wholeness. Be consistent. It can take practice. Whenever you are feeling a little dim, turn up the brightness. With practice you will find yourself more consistently feeling the glow.

See only the encouraging Light of the Universe and the encouraging Light of Planet Earth in symbiotic flow with you. Your awareness will create a path of blessings with every beautiful thought and feeling.

Do you have a method, or ritual to hold empowering thoughts and feelings to reset to your happy place?

Are you becoming more and more consistent?

Wendy Chaffin 9/2021


Awakening Enlightenment

I enjoyed reading the thoughts and lessons of Kiara Windruder in a book called “Deeksha: The Fire from Heaven”. I related to the deep, meaningful growth and experiences she described.
Below is a sum up of great truths she assimilated from Sri Bhagavan and Sri Amma while being initiated into a neurobiological process of enlightenment called Deeksha.

  • When you are willing to go deeper and look into your insecurities, self reproach, and loneliness, you will find there is nothing to fear and the more you will come out of conflict and suffering. You will come to realize that projecting it out onto others and world around you is boring drama.
  • Underneath all your separations of reality is one mind, one body, one consciousness. 
  • Enlightenment is to see reality as it is.
  • It is observing the endless stream of personalities within, each with its own mental content rising up and falling away. 
  • There is no need to judge and compare. 
  • You are no longer able to find a single, continuous self that is defined as you.
  • When the self disappears, your need to constantly interpret reality disappears. You see reality for what it is rather than what you’d like it to be. 
  • When you are enlightened, you become fluid. You are not separate from a tree, a dog, or a bird. Your boundaries dissolve. You become the body that the Universe dances through!
  • Upon enlightenment, you realize that the Divine is simply All There Is, and each of us is a part of that. 
  • There is no difference between the individual soul, Atman, and the universal soul, Brahman. Same soul means same dance without conflict between the Personal will and the Divine will – two aspects of the same reality. 
  • You let go of struggle. 
  • You become the joyful expression of the Divine everywhere you go, simply because that is who you are! There is absolute trust and oneness with the Universe, which is totally benign, joyful love!
  • Silence opens the door to inspiration and creative flow. 
  • Life becomes a meditation.
  • “Bubbles of consciousness” rise and fall with silence underneath. 
  • There is an increase in synchronicity. 
  • Disengaging from the collective mind of humanity becomes normal and acceptable. 
  • Cravings and attachments that are based on a sense of separate existence, or self-importance fall away. 
  • Incessant desire to be experiencing something other than what is falls away. 
  • You enter the state of witnessing. 
  • Your relationship to your body changes. You no longer identify it as yours, rather, it is a beautiful vehicle for consciousness to use.”
  • You experience each taste, smell, sound, vision, and touch as exquisite, as if you were experiencing it for the first time. Each thought comes from the consciousness of each moment as well. 
  • You experience the causeless joy of being!
  • Enlightenment is realizing that there is no self to become enlightened. The seeker disappears in the realization of the absolute Divine perfection of each moment.
  • Paradoxically, in the moment of your enlightenment, you discover that you have always been enlightened, for it is your natural state. 
  • You will still have your own unique soul desires and purpose expressed. 
  • Anything fully experienced is joy!

Throughout 25+ years of practice, many of the processes I do with clients support their growth and enlightenment. One process specifically is Reiki. It’s exciting to observe the magic of the enlightenment process as students move through the Reiki levels.